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Two years later i, Jessi and Hardin graduated from college. Jessi went back to Bristol to stay with her mom for a while. Before I, Joshua and David went back to the US, we decided to have some fun with Hardin. We went to the cinema, club, museum, Willy's wonder land etc then we finally left for the US.
Some months later, I submitted my CV to a music industry called TJM.
TJM was one of the biggest company when it comes to music and record productions. I was so excited when they called me for an interview a week later the interview required me going to New York. So I traveled for the interview. When I got to the company, I was directed to the manager's office.

"Hello, good day sir" I said polity

"Hey... Good day miss McCarthy. Come in come in, have a sit. I've been expecting you" He said

I walked into the office and had a sit.

"How have you been?" He said before bringing out a file

"I've been good thanks for asking" I said

"I've gone through your CV I don't understand why you want to work under a company. I mean your music was ranking number one on the bill board as at last two years. So why don't you just continue from there" he said with a smile

"I want to start all over " I said

"Hmm... Okay its your choice. So your CV states that, you are a professional vocalist and instrumentalist. You play the cornet, keyboard, an acoustic guitar, and even the tuba. Wow that lovely. Well, right now we aren't looking for any vocalist, guitarist, or keyboardist." He said

"So what are you getting at" I said

"Would you love to work as a PA?..." He said

"What?! Sorry I didn't go to school just to come out and end up assisting someone. So if you'll excuse me I'll take my leave now" I said firmly

"Hold on! Umm you didn't let me finish. You'll just be assisting temporary at least till this particular project we are working on finishes. Look we promise to pay you well" he said

Although I really hate where he is driving to, but who cares this is TJM one of the biggest production and music company I could make it big again this time, on my own and with my hard work.

"Okay... Well let me think about it first" I said

"If you say so. I'll be waiting patiently for your answer" he said.

When I got home, i told my parents about it they seemed less convinced about the offer. Well I understood why they were doubtful like why will a company as big as that want to employ me that badly. But seeing that I have talent, and I have been on the billboard before, I think that's why they want me that bad.

Two days later, I told Joshua and David well, Joshua reacted the same way my parents reacted while David just began to congratulate me without me even saying yes to the offer.
Joshua told me not to accept an offer that is that open because he felt that they were up to something. Well, after much convincing, and argument with him, I decided to accept the offer anyways with or without Joshua's consent.

Some weeks later, I gave the company a call, and told them I have accepted their offer. Then they told me when to resume my work and who I would be assisting. So I immediately began my research about him on my laptop.

"Mr Ludwig Williams... A renowned business man, a musician and the owner of TJM production company. He grew up in Germany with his mother after his English father abandoned them. He moved to London at the age of 16 where he worked at a coffee shop just to earn money. He has been a lover of music from an early age and wanted to have his own music company when he grows up. So he started stand up music on the road side, for 2 years before he was hired to be a singer at a restaurant there in London. At the age a 19, he released his first ever music 'HOPE' which hit number one on the billboard. He was immediately signed in by Capitols record company who found interest in his work. After releasing another song 'Forgotten', at the age of 21 he decided to start his own production company which he called TJM with the money he made. No one knows why he chose to call it that when asked, he would always say "it's a mystery"." I read it out loud. I was so impressed and moved by his efforts. And I was so excited to be working with him. I needed to know what he looks like but when I checked for his pictures, I couldn't find a clear picture of him, all I could find was his sideview picture.

I will be starting work the next month which will require me going to New York city. So I started preparing everything I would be needing

I'm over at Joshua's house for the next 2 weeks before going to New York.

"Bebe you are seriously not going to change your mind?" Joshua said

"Yeah I won't sorry" I said with a playful smirk

"You know you are very stubborn right? So like do you know the person you will be assisting?" Joshua asked as he arranged the dinning table

"Yes umm... I googled him up. His name is Ludwig Williams. He is a Singer and it turns out, he is the owner of the company." I said

"What!!!... You'll working for the owner?!" Joshua said

"I know right? But why do you sound as if you are mad" I chuckled

"That's because I am. Can't you see all this isn't real. They are obviously playing you. You just graduated and you submitted your CV to only one company and they immediately gave you a job. Not as a recording artist, but as a personal assistant to the owner of the company. And you don't find that to be too good to be true type of thing?" Joshua said

"I do actually that's why I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Instead of you to support me on my decision, you are here making me feel stupid I can't believe you" I said disappointedly before storming out of the room.

"How I'm I making you feel stupid!!!" Joshua yelled while I kept walking towards the stairs.

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