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After the competition, I decided to go back home to spend my vacation. Well I was excited and nervous but mostly excited to go back to my family.

Jessi is helping me pack my luggage's when Hardin shows up at our house.

"Heyyy... How are you doing" I said to Hardin

"I'm good seems like you are all packed up" he said

"Well what can I say... Yes" I chuckled

"I can't believe we got 2nd place.... I mean everybody can make a puppet sing" Hardin said

"Not everybody Hardin... The girl got talent that's for sure and she deserves the 1st place" I said

"What ever.... I'm hungry" he said walking to the kitchen.

Jessi walks down the stairs dragging my box

"I'm done packing... What the hell do you think you are doing in my kitchen" she said

"I'm just getting something to eat" Hardin said with his mouth filled with food

"You see this is why I always have problems with Hardin. He doesn't knock before coming in and he just makes his self at home" Jessi said irritatedly

"Ok ok I'm sorry mi señora" he said with a flirting look.

"You know what... Fuck you" Jessi yelled

I just laughed at their childishness.

"Oh well I have to take my leave now" I said breaking their argument

"Do you really have to go this early?" Jessi asked with a pout on her face

"Yes... I have to go home to clear my head and mind" I said

"Did you tell Tyler you'll be leaving?" Jessi asked

"She doesn't need to. He is not a god... Come on Alison I'll drive you to the airport. Are you coming mi señora?" Hardin asked

Jessi just gave him an annoyed look and walked towards the door.

"Sometimes I feel scared to leave you two alone" I said jokingly

"Nahh.. We are cool. I just derive joy in annoying Jessi" Hardin said.

Some hours later I arrived in Washington DC I was so excited to see my family and my friends... Well my best Friend David. I and David hardly spoke to each other since I went to the UK.

"Where is Josh" I asked

"Umm... He is busy so he couldn't make it" Melvin said

"Oh I see... Anyways I'm so happy to see y'all" I said

*at home*

"How is London" my dad asked
"London is good... Except the days I have to work, London is pretty good" I said

"Mummy told us that you saw Tyler Jackson... Tell about it" jiji said with excitement

"You guys should let Alison rest.... She had a long and stressful travel" my mum said

"Awwwn mummy... You are no fun" Jiji said

"Do you know where u can have fun?
In the kitchen washing all the dishes" I mum said Sarcastically.

With the pout on jiji's face I can't help but laugh at her.

"Have some rest I'll go get you something to eat" my mum said leaving the room.

Its been a week since I came back from London. And I haven't set my eyes on Joshua. Sometimes I'll look over at his place from my bedroom window to see if I'd see him, but I didn't. So today I decided to go to his house and check up on him.

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