Hidden secrets

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Tyler accepted Trina's offer to star in one of her movies which was being shot in Denmark. Well, Tyler wasn't comfortable doing it because he felt she was trying to play a trick on him for some reasons.
I on the other hand, was busy studying for my final exams with Hardin and Jessi. After the exams I decided to go back to America to visit my family because I've missed them so much. Although i missed Tyler so much and wished he was here with me.

Joshua on the other hand, has just graduated with 1st class from the university and was offered a job to as a doctor in one of the biggest hospital in America. Meanwhile, David is almost done with is studies as an artist well, we haven't talked much to each other ever since I came back. Sometimes he ignores me and he rarely comes to visit.
One morning, I went to his house to talk to him and ask him what the problem really was.

"Hey David" I said after he opened the door for me

"What are you doing here" he asked looking so unhappy to see me

"I just wanted to talk to you... Can I come in?" I asked

"Yeah,sure, whatever" he said letting me in.

I had a sit while he went to get me a glass of water.

"You leave all by yourself now?" I asked

"Yeah, my dad moved to Spain" he said

David and his dad don't get along very well as father and son, after the death of his mother and sister. His father neglected him, he never had the love of his father. So instead of him feeling sorry for himself he worked so hard to gain a scholarship into the university and did some per time jobs to earn money to pay for his books and other necessary stuff.

"Oh ok.... David did I do anything wrong to hurt you? Because, I've never seen you act this way towards me. You didn't even call to congratulate me on my new song and when I called you to tell you about it, you told me you didn't care." I said feeling upset

"Its that all? Hmm okay... Congratulations Alison" he said with a fake smile.

"David!!!!! Can you just tell me what I did wrong. Joshua isn't talking to me like before and now you? Come on please" I said before sobbing

"Look Alison I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I made you feel neglected. My problem isn't with you" he said while comforting me.

"Then with who" I asked

"Tyler Jackson! I'm angry that you guys are together, I can't believe you are in a relationship with someone like him." He said with a disgusted look

"What?!! David Tyler is a nice guy and..." I said

"Nice guy my foot!!! That man should be arrested. Haven't you heard of what he did in the past?" He asked

"I have. He was accused of molestation but he wasn't guilty of it" I said firmly

"Is that what he told you?" David asked

"Look David Tyler is not bad at all if you get to know him" I said

"I don't need to cos I already know him, and what he can do. All I just want to say to you is stay away from him" David warned

"What did he ever do to you" I said feeling upset

"He stole from me!!!!... He stole my happiness and my family." He said with a teary eyes

"I don't understand" I said confused

"I and my family lived in New York city my dad was a movie director and a script writer. He was working on a movie and auditions were carried out. Tyler auditioned for the major role and he got it, I and my sister Jasmine weren't interested in acting or production. Jasmine wanted to be a lawyer just like my mum and I wanted to be an artist because I loved drawing and painting. This really pissed my dad off so he usually forced us to go with him to the studio which we did. I was 13 and Jasmine was 16. when we got to the studio one morning, we bumped into Tyler. Tyler was known for flirting and being an avaricious person, so that morning when we bumped into him he started hitting on my sister. He asked her out on dates multiple times but she turned him down. He was so angry that Jasmine turned him down. One night I and my sister was heading home, everywhere was so quiet and I noticed we were being followed we stared running and then a car pulled up in front of us. Then Tyler and his boys came out of the car he grabbed my sister's arm so tight that she screamed in pain. I tried fighting him but his boys held me down he pushed her into the car and forced himself on her, Jasmine struggled and cried but no one came to her rescue when he was done he pushed her out of the car. I was so afraid because I saw that she was bleeding profusely and there was no phone to call home so I carried her to a nearby hospital. Then I called my dad using the hospital's telephone when my parents heard what had happened, they filed a case against Tyler but his parents tried shutting us up with their money. Some weeks later Jasmine died so parents used all they had to make sure Tyler rots in jail for the death of Jasmine but he was sentence to only 2 years in prison for molesting a minor. That's why I and my parents moved to DC" David said with a teary eyes.

I was trying to process everything David just told me and I found it hard to believe that Tyler would do something like that.

"Are... Are you sure of what you are saying?" I stuttered

"Are you insinuating I made up this story? Do you think I'm lying to you?" David asked

"No no, I'm just surprised that's all. And um I'm sorry about Jasmine.
I'll take my leave now" I said before heading towards the door

"Hey Alison, one more thing... Be careful around Tyler" David said

I nodded my head before leaving David's house. When I got home, I was thinking about what David told me when my phone rang. I picked up the phone to see who was calling immediately my heart started beating fast when I saw it was Tyler calling. I didn't have the courage to answer at that moment.

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