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I finally resumed my job as a personal assistant to Ludwig Williams. Things were going smoothly, I did his paper works, and attended to most of his clients. But the thing is I haven't seen the person I am working for when I ask around, they will always say he was out of town.

One day, I was working in his office and I didn't know when I dozed off on his desk. Then I heard a slam which made me to immediately jump out of the chair. When I finally got myself, I gently looked up at the figure that stood in front if me. My words were caught in my throat that I was finding it difficult to talk.

"I have been calling your phone for the past 20 minutes!!! I have been stuck in traffic for the past 1 hour and I come in here to see you sleeping on the job?" Ludwig said angrily

"I'm so sorry sir... I thought you would be coming in tomorrow because that was the information I got from the manager I'm so sorry" I said as I hurriedly got up from the floor.

"You better be sorry. So how did the meeting of yesterday go" he said as he walked majestically to his seat and the change in the tone of his voice was like as if he wasn't angry some seconds ago.

"It went well sir." I said

"Good. I want all the reports filed and brought to me as soon as possible." He said

"Okay sir" I said as I was about taking my leave

"Where do you think you are going to" Ludwig said with a cold tone

"I was going to get it done sir" I said

"You go when I ask you to, you speak when I ask you to, and you don't leave my side till I ask you to. Do you understand!?" He said

At that point I felt like a servant, an uneducated piece of shit and a person without a say. Which made me turn to him with a fierce look on my face.

"Excuse me, did I hear you right? Who do you think I am that will make you talk to me that way. I am not your servant, neither am I an illiterate... I didn't come here just to be bossed around by my fellow human being." I blurted

"Then why did you accept the job in the first place. Why didn't you just go start your own music company." He  said

Well he was right about that. I did apply for the job be it a personal assistant or a paid musician or vocalist I was still going to work under him.

"Then I quite." I said without thinking

"You can't quite didn't your read what you signed? You can't quite till after a year. " Ludwig said

Oh, I totally forgot about that. That means I have to put up with someone as autocratic as him for a year.

"So, don't forget to file the reports, and pick my daughter from school" he said while working on his laptop

"I'm sorry, did you say daughter?" I said

"Yes. Is that a problem?" He asked

"Um no... Not at all. Is that all?" I said.

"No!. You won't be allowed with phone inside the residence or when you are around me. Your means of communication will be with the telephones in the house and if you want to use the internet, you can use a laptop or a computer." Ludwig said firmly

"That's madness... So I'm equally a prisoner" I said

"Call it what you want. but it is what it is. You may now leave" he said

I just stood there  wondering the kind of problem I've gotten myself into. Joshua was right.

"Is there something you want to say?" He said

"No" I said as I immediately took my  leave.

The next day, I was assisting Ludwig's daughter in her assignment when a lady walked into the house.

"Heyyyyy..." She said

"Auntie Trina!!!!!!!!!" Elsa ran up to her and hugged her

"How are you baby" Trina said

"I'm fine... Look daddy got me a new bow" Elsa said

"Wow it looks beautiful... Speaking of daddy where is he" she said

"I don't know... Alison do you know where my daddy is?" Elsa said to me

"What... Um.." I stuttered

"Wait a minutes don't I know you?... Oh yes, Tyler play toy right?" Trina said

"its Alison". I said

"Whatever... So what about Tyler, he left you?" She said

"No!!! Um I broke up with him" I said

"Hmm...  That's new. And you are still breathing? Wow Tyler has really changed" Trina said as she walks towards the office of Ludwig

Her statement sent a shiver down my spine. I immediately remembered the threatening messages I got from him which made my feel scared and insecure again.

"Hey... Where is Ludwig" Trina asked

"He is not in... Um Excuse me Trina, can I ask you a question?" I said as I walked closer to her

"Okay go on" she said paying full attention

"Do you by any chance know the where about of Tyler?... I mean I haven't heard from him for a long time now" I said. I noticed she could sense the fear on my facial expression.

"I don't... Really know. The last time I saw him was in Denmark. After the movie shoot. Is everything alright? You look scared" Trina said

"No no I'm fine. When Mr Ludwig comes in I'll let him know you dropped by" I said as I put on a fake smile on my face

"Okay... Elsa!! Aunty will be leaving now" Trina said

"Awwn... I don't want you to go yet. Why don't you stay for a while" Elsa said

"Sorry I can't baby, Aunty has a lot of things to attend to. Don't worry when next I come, we will go shopping" Trina said

"Alright then... Bye!!!" Elsa yelled as Trina leaves the house.

I couldn't focus on what I was doing, because I couldn't get the thought of Tyler's come back out of my head.

"What if he tries to hurt me or my friends." I thought to myself. Suddenly the telephone rings which made my heart skip a beat.

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