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"hey hey McCarthy snap out of it... i was just kidding." Ludwig said. But unfortunately, i was at a point of deja vu.

"um excuse me sir... i have to go" I said as i stood up horrified to leave. Suddenly he grab my hand and holds me by the shoulder as he looked into my eyes.

"Look i don't really know what That man has done to you, but i promise you i won't let him hurt you." he said. I really didn't understand why Ludwig was said what he said. But i knew i couldn't trust him anymore.

"i really hace to get going sir" i said as i took my leave immediately.

All through the night i was thinking about what Ludwig said. That means if TJ means Tyler Jackson, maybe Ludwig is working for Tyler. or maybe Tyler is planning a revenge scheme.
The next day, I left New York to DC i went home immediately i arrived at the DC i was so happy to meet my family. JiJi had a dance competition to attend in New Jersey so she wasn't around when i came back home for a visit. I had a lot of catching up to fo with my family members. Later that day, i went to Joshua's house and i discovered that a new family lives there now. At night, i got a call from Joshua telling me to come meet him at the park which i did. On getting there, i saw him sitting on one of the benches in the park i was contemplating talking to him cause i was still mad at him for ghosting me for months so i decided to turn around and leave. Then he said

"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry i ghosted you. I'm sorry i made you feel neglected i am a fool for doing all that. You have all right to be mad at me i don't deserve your forgiveness but please hear me out."

I turned to him i felt relived that he was ok at the same time i was unhappy to see him. I immediately ran to him and hugged him so tight it was like my body had a mind of its own.

"i tried calling you, i asked after you every time i talked to David. I thought that something bad has happened to you. you made me worried Josh!" i yelled as i released my grip on him.

"I'm so sorry." He said as he looked into my eyes then Suddenly his lips found mine as we indulge in a long romantic kiss after which we hugged each other so dearly.

"i missed you" i said

"missed you too. Hey... listen i have something to tell you." He said as the tone of his voice sounded worried.

"come with me" he said as he took me in his car to a place far away from our neighborhood.

"where are we going Josh" i said as i became worried myself.

"don't worry... you'll see" he said

After driving for an hour, we arrived at a small house located somewhere in the woods. At first i was scared but then i saw mrs Yara walk out of the house due to the sound of the car.

"is... is this where you live now?" i said

"yes." he said

we got down from the car as we headed directly into the house. As we got in, Joshua said in a panicked voice

"mom lock the doors immediately"

"what's happening... I'm scared" I said as his mom did exactly as he instructed

"Don't worry you are safe now." Joshua said while offering me a sit.

"Look Tyler is after you." he said

"wh...wh.. what?" i said as tears rolled down my eyes.

"A week after you left for New York, i got a call from him. He said i should stay away from you or else everything i love would be taken away from me. Of course i didn't listen to him. Then i got a job as a medical practitioner in one of the biggest hospitals in Washington unfortunately it didn't last long... I was accused of molestation by a young lady who i later discovered was working for Tyler. few months later, he started all these threat calls which i reported to the police but i didn't have a concert evidence against him. I knew i and my mom's life was at stake so i decided to move to this place i didn't even have the chance to tell David. I didn't want him and especially you to get hurt." Joshua explained

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry had it been i didn't break up with him all this wouldn't have happened. I'm such a fool..."i sobbed

"no dear don't  blame yourself he is the maniac in all this." Mr Yara said.

"yeah mom's right its not your fault." Joshua said as he hugs me tightly.

After a long night of discussing and catching up with Joshua and his mom we finally decided to respond to mother nature's call.
The next day, Joshua took me back home.

"Listen i need you to leave for new York immediately cause your are not safe here." Joshua said.

"w.. what... but i just got here" i said

"you are not listening to me. you have to leave! Tyler's guys are everywhere. He knows you came back yesterday. so please leave." Joshua said

"B...but what about my family" i asked

"they are in good hands trust me." he said.
So immediately got into the house, told my family good bye. My parents actually knew what was going on and it seems Tyler has also gotten to them too. i felt so helpless, I blame myself for falling in love with the devil. i let my emotions get the best of me. i really have to put an end to all this.

I got back to New York it was really late so i just went home. i laid on my bed as tears ran down my eyes. At this point, my whole life was just a mess. minutes later, i got a message from an unknown number saying 'crying won't solve anything love' i immediately threw my phone away out of fear.

"This bastard is monitoring me" i said in fear as i began crying my heart out.

i picked up my phone as i quickly called Mr Ludwig.

"Help me please" i cried before switching off the phone.

Moments later i heard a knock on my door i was so scared to open it cause it might be Tyler. so i just laid in my dark room.
Then suddenly i heard larg bang as my door opens and a figure stood in the living room the person quickly rushed into my room as he raised me from the floor to the bed. The person immediately turned on the light. i tried adjusting to the lit up environment as i looked at the figure it was Ludwig standing in front of me.

"what happened i came as soon as possible" He said as he sat down beside me.

"oh Ludwig..." i sobbed as i suddenly hugged him tightly. i couldn't say anything cause all i felt at that moment was pain.

"its ok... you are safe now." he said

Then i suddenly got a grip of myself.

"Are you working for Tyler?" i asked

"what? no I'm not. i was just messing around yesterday. I'm so sorry if i offended you." he said

"i went home yesterday. Turns out my boyfriend wasn't ignoring my calls on purpose he was just trying to protect me from Tyler. He threatened him and his mom. How can someone be so cruel. Wait a minute how do you know Tyler" i asked feeling suspicious

"ummm he is my half brother. Turns out mr Jackson had an affair with my mom. My moved to Germany  with his help where she gave birth to me .He was scared of getting caught by his wife and the media that he was a cheat. He sends money to us every week, then from weeks to months, from months to years which he stopped at some point. So i refused to live like that i traveled to London to go look for him. i found a way inside his house and i try telling him who i was, but he didn't want to hear it. later on he called my and try offering a sum of money to leave and never talk about him again. which i refuse so i was determined to make my own wealth." Ludwig said.

"B... But why did you name your company TJM" i said still not convinced

"T stands for Tessa she was my fiancee" he said

"Elsa's mom" i said

"yeah... sh... she was the best thing that has ever happened to me. so she reminds me of happiness. J stands for Jackson it reminds me of Hate"He said as he clutches his fingers into he's plam.

"M stands for Marie.... my mother it reminds me that i was always a mistake" He said.

"hey don't say that... we were all born for a reason Ludwig. I'm so sorry to have judged you so quickly." i said as i suddenly hugged him.

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