more than friends

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After the threat I got from Tyler, I've been very conscious of the places I go, the things I do and the people I associate with. I called Joshua and told him what happened and what Tyler said. Joshua insisted that he will come to London. When he arrived in London I and Hardin went to get him at the airport I was surprised to see David with him.

"You came?" I asked

"I came to support you" David said with a smirk. Then I gave him a hug because I was so happy to see him.

"Thank you!" I said with almost a faint voice

"Hey... What are friends for." David said.

Two days later, Jessi arrived London she went to the old apartment and found it locked. So she called me, I explained everything on the way after picking her up from the apartment to Hardin's house.

"So you mean that bastard did that to our place?" She said with disbelief.

"Yeah... I was scared so I had to call Joshua" I said

We all are sited in the sitting room talking, laughing, drinking and getting to know each other.

"Yo I mean Alison doesn't stop talking about you two. She's always going on about Joshua this, David that" Hardin said while laughing

"Yeah... I'm so happy to meet you guys in person though" Jessi said

"We are happy to see you too" David said.

"Anyway, let's talk about the obvious. So Joshua, Alison is something going on?" David said while raising his eyebrows

"Oh yes.. I noticed their connection since I entered the room. Is there something you are not telling us Alison?" Jessi said with a smile

I just sat there staring at Joshua who couldn't stop smiling at me.

"There is definitely something going on between them." Hardin said

"Yeah yeah, we are finally a thing now" Joshua said

They all jumped, and shouted in excitement.

"Congratulations man!!!!" David said

"Wait that means you are dating two guys." Hardin stated

Everybody kept silent for a while. We've almost forgotten about Tyler.

"Why did you have to bring up that fool now" Jessi  said while hitting him with a throw pillow. Well Hardin wasn't wrong though, I was actually still in a relationship with Tyler which I needed to end right away.

Two days later, we all went to a nearby club to go have some fun and to get the stress off our heads. As we arrived the club, David as usual went over to where some ladies were drinking and sat in between them.
Jessi and Hardin were dancing on the dance floor. While I and Joshua, sat down on one of the sofas.

"Would you like a drink?" Joshua said

"Yes please" I replied

Then he left to get the drinks. Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my shoulder which made me to groan in pain.  I turned to see who was trying to dislocate my shoulder bones so I can lash out my anger on him or her. I  fell silent when I saw who the person was.

"You!!" I said with a faint voice

"Yes baby..." Tyler said with smirk

"Wh..aaat" I found it hard to get a sentence out of my mouth

"Whaaaattt..." Tyler mocking before laughing

"What are you doing here" I finally blurted

" why do you seem surprised" Tyler said while he grabbed a sit.

Meanwhile, Joshua approached with two bottles of beer.

"What the hell are you doing here" he asked coldly

"Who are you" Tyler said

Immediately some group of girls approached us with so much excitement.

"Oh my God... Tyler!!! I'm a huge fan of your work" one of them yelled. She leaned in to get a selfie with him I saw that as an opportunity to leave before anything happens.
Then Suddenly, one of them said

"Aren't you Alison McCarthy?" She said

"Umm... Ye..." I couldn't finish my sentence cause I was interrupted by one of the girls

"Oh yes she is. She collaborated with Tyler... Wow I'm so excited to see you" she said

"Can we take a picture together?" She said

"Yes sure" I said with a warm smile.

"Hold on... Are you two in a relationship?" One of them asked

Tyler immediately said yes. I just stood there I couldn't say no because it was true. Then I turn over to Joshua who was just standing there feeling uncomfortable.

"I should go" Joshua said before taking his leave

"Can we take a picture of both of you?" They said

"Sure." Tyler said., putting his arm around my waist

After taking some photos, Tyler said

"Umm ok ladies, we will take our leave now, we have some important things to do"

We started walking out of the club.

"Where are we going" I said to him

"Just shut up and walk" he said harshly

Then when we exited the club, I saw Joshua standing beside the entrance of the club. I immediately ran to him

"What the hell Alison" Tyler yelled

"Tyler its over between us" I said

"You must be drunk or something" he said before grabbing my wrist aggressively which made me shiver in pain

"Get your hand off her you bastard" Joshua cursed before throwing his hands off mine

"Oh oh... You are dumping me because of this slop?" Tyler said before laughing.

"Watch you mouth or I won't hesitate to beat you till you can't move a muscle" Joshua said coldly

"Who the fuck to you think you are" Tyler said angrily

"Guys please stop!!!" I yelled.

"Look Tyler I'm sorry but I can't continue this relationship with you." I said firmly

"You are making a big mistake Alison" he said I could see the rage in his dark green eyes which made me to shiver  in fear.

"You won't do anything to her fool" David, who u didn't know had already approached us yelled before punching him to the ground.

"That's for my sister you bastard" David yelled angrily.

Suddenly, people began to gather which made us to leave. We left Tyler on the ground who was already bleeding from his mouth.

When we got to the house I said to David

"Why did you hit him. Violence is never the answer"

"He was threatening you. I couldn't keep quiet to that, you are not just my friend you are my sister too so I can't let a low life mess with you" David said

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