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   There is a competition that's coming up in my school before we go on our long vacation.
I and Hardin are working on project called the singing robot. Well, the singing robot sounds dumb but its what we both agreed on, since Hardin is good at robotics and I'm good at  singing.  
    Hardin is over at my place to put some finally touches on the robot

"The singing robot.... He have to look for a better name" I said

"Well... What can we possible call a robot that sings" Hardin said with his eyes still fixed on the machine.

"You are  right... Its really been fun working  with you. You know I've always judged you by your cover" I said with a scoff

"What do you mean" he said with a confessed expression.

"I mean... You are like a rebel and u don't follow rules and stuff like that... And most of all you don't associate with most people. I didn't even know you could talk" I said drinking a glass  of water.

"Are you serious?" He laughs.
"Well I get that kind of description a lot.  Growing up I didn't have a lot of friends cos they are always trouble. So I just prefer  staying on my own. The last time I had a 'friend', I got stabbed in the back. I'm sure you have lots of friends." He said

"Not that  much... But yes I do have friends Three amazing friends" I said with a smile

"All girls?" He asked

"No... 2 guys and a girl." I said

"Wow that's new... Mostly when a girl says she has more than one friend, then I just guess they are all girls." He said with a quick laugh.

After some minutes of screwing and unscrewing he finished the robot.

"Okay... I'm done. Now try singing" he said to me

I picked up the mic and sang a song and to my surprise the robot sang along and danced to the music

"Wow... It dances too? Wow that's awesome." I said

"Yeah... So for our presentation, I was thinking we do a little concert. What do you think" he suggested

"Its great" I answered.

     After the long day's work, we decided to grab something to eat. So I went to the kitchen and prepared something for us to eat. When I picked up my phone that have been lying in the living room for hours, I found out I missed Tyler's calls. Then the doorbell was rang repeatedly.
Opening the door, I saw Tyler standing and looking very angry.

"Are you ignoring me calls now?" He said barging in.

"Oh I see... You are having a lot of fun" he said pointing towards Hardin

"What!!!!! Its not what you think Hardin and I are just wor..." I couldn't finish my sentence because my wrist was grabbed aggressively by Tyler.

"Shut the Fuck up... You are clearly messing up with another person..." Tyler was interrupted by Hardin who grabs his hand aggressively

"That's not how you treat a lady" he said

"And who the hell are you to talk to me in that way." He said

"Please you guys should stop" I said with a sobbing tone.

"We'll talk later" Tyler said to me before Leaving the house

"What is wrong with that fool... Is he your boyfriend?" Hardin asked me

"No he is not..." I said

"Then why the fuck did you allow him to talk to you like that" he asked confused.

I too was confused as at why Tyler reacted that way, I was scared and worried.
Its been a week since I spoke to Tyler. I didn't have the strength and courage to talk to him or even look at him.
One early morning, I heard the door bell ringing I thought Jessi had returned from her trip to Spain. So I went and open the door. Just the person I was ignoring all week long

"Hey... Ummm can I come in?" Tyler asked.

"No no you can't. What do you want" I said feeling scared

"Look I'm really sorry about last week I was angry and jealous that you were here with another person when I've been thinking about you all day" he said

At that very moment my heart skipped a beat. I just stood there looking at him and trying to wrap my head around what he meant by being jealous.
Does it mean that Tyler loves me too?
What the hell is going on.

"What do you mean by jealous" I asked him

"Can I come in?" He asked

"Yeah sure... "I said hurriedly

"Look I've always wanted to tell you this... But I wasn't sure of my feelings. Seeing you around other guys makes me angry. So I'm sorry at the way I reacted last week." He said

"Ummm.... Is that all? Like that's the reason you came to my house. Just yo tell me you are sorry?... Well I accept your apology. You may now leave" I said casually. Although, those are not the word I wanted to hear from him but at the same time I don't want to see his face because it will just remind me of what  happened last week.

"Look I'm sorry..."  He said coming close to me I felt my heart pounding so fast and my legs became weak. His dark green eyes Pierced ever inch of my body his smile made my heart skip a beat repeatedly. Before I could say anything, he gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

" I'll talk to you later" he said before taking his leave.

I just kept on thinking about what had just happened. Was I really kissed by Tyler Jackson?

" I can't wait for Jessi to come back" I said to myself.

Two days later, I called my mum to check up on her.

"Hello mummy, good  evening ma'am" I said with a big smile on my face

"Hi baby, how are you doing.... Seems like someone missed me" she said

"You don't know how much I've missed you all I can't wait to come back home." I said exhaustedly

"So what's up... How is everything going" my mum asked

"Everything is fine..." I said with a faint voice

"What's the problem be honest with me" she said in a caring tone.

"First of all do you know Uncle chinoso is now married with three kids?" I said angrily

"Really? Wow that's messed up... And he didn't even inform his own family." She said disappointedly.    "But is that what is disturbing you?" She asked

"Well not really... Okay, so umm remember when I told you I met Tyler Jackson? Well... We are working on a song together" I said

"Wow that's amazing... But why is that a disturbance" she said

"Well... I started developing feelings for him and its really affecting me mentally. I mean like I am not sure if he likes me too cos his behaviour is telling me that he feels the same way but I just want to hear him say it" I babbled

"Alison... Having a romantic feeling for a person isn't bad but when it begins to affect you mentally I think it shows that you are not ready for any sort of relationship now. Besides you are too young to think about a guy. If you feel like you are confused and unsure of the guy I think its best to take a long break from the person. Remember why you are there... You are there to study so focus." She advised

That moment I heard my mum's words I became calm in my mind. This is what I needed all along.

"Oh mummy, thank you so  much... I diffidently needed that" I said to her.

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