She's watching over me

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"that's cute. okay dearie we have to get going now. say bye bye to Alison" Ludwig said.

"Daddy please can we stay a little bit longer?" Elsa said as her eyes grew wider and her pout became so adorable that no one even her dad can't resist.

"hmmm... okay dear." Ludwig said

"ummm... i have some Legos umm do wanna play with them?" i asked Elsa

"sure i love toys" she said. so i quickly rushed into my room got the box and brought it to her.

we played for some hours and then she fell asleep.

"its already getting dark i think its about time we leave." Ludwig said.

"oh okay... um.." i said

"so do you have friends?" Ludwig asked as we walked towards the balcony.

"um... yes actually." I said

"really? so you mean there are people who put up with your attitude?" Ludwig said

"what!? I'll have you know I'm a very nice person" i said

"hey yo... I'm just messing with you. " He said as he burst into laughter.  i couldn't help but drool over the handsome man standing beside me.

"how... do you like your new job. i mean like i haven't gotten a chance to ask you that. cause I've been very busy." He said

"hm... um it's really nice. it's what I've always wanted." i said

"that's okay. um it's getting very late i have to be at the Art Gallery tomorrow and i have some business to attend to." Ludwig said

"you are into art? wow that's lovely. i actually have a friend that is very artistic his paintings always tells a story." i said 

"wow that's cool. I started painting when i lost my mom so when i paint its like I'm close to her. i don't wanna bore you with all this" Ludwig said.

"no no its alright." i said.

"why don't you come by the house tomorrow when you are done with work so that you can spend some time with Elsa." He said

"that will be great. Thank you." i said

"no no thank you. I've never seen her this happy before." he said.

The next day at the office, i was in the studio recording a song with the crew when i got a call from an unknown number.

"excuse me guys" i said as exited the room.

"Hello... who is this? " i said

"yeah hi Alison. How are you? its Josh" he said.

"seriously? I've been trying to call you for months now. but your number is never going through and you don't even talk to David a lot. is something bothering you? you know you can talk to us if not Dave, you can talk to me." i said worriedly

"yeah about that I'm so sorry for ghosting y'all. Um i really need to see you in person. i would have come to New York, it's just that I've been very busy. so please can we meet? i can't say this over the phone" Joshua said

"Alright I'll be there by tomorrow." i said with a smile on my face.

after work that day, i went to Mr Ludwig's house i was greeted by his workers as i entered into the house. Elsa wasn't back from school yet so i waited a bit for her. I couldn't help but doze off on the couch. I immediately woke up to the soft touch of Elsa's hug as her warm smile melted my heart. i raised my head to the figure standing behind little Elsa and realised Trina standing there with her phone to her ear after which she ended the call.

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