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It's been weeks since I haven't spoken to Tyler sometimes he will send some disturbing messages like 'i hope you aren't doing anything funny' or 'don't even try playing this game with me cos you'll get injured at the end'. I normally feel scared of talking or even looking at his pictures.

One day, I was sitting alone in the park trying to clear my head and think straight when Joshua approached me. I was excited and also upset to see him but his smile was so heart warming and comforting.

"Hey what are you doing here alone I've been looking for you through out today" Joshua said

"What are you doing here I thought you didn't want to talk to me or even look at me" I said feeling upset.

"What the hell are you talking about. You know I've been busy with work and I can't stay mad at you." He said before sitting close to me

"Really?" I said

"Yeah. So what's going on, you look stressed" he asked

"I've been good" I said trying to put a smile on my face

"Alison you know you can't lie to me. What's really going on" Joshua said

I exhaled before telling him everything David told me at his house. I even told him about the messages Tyler kept sending. I didn't realize when tears started rolling down my eyes

"Hey don't cry..." Joshua said before wiping my tears

"Don't tell me not to cry..." I said still sobbing

"Hmmm... Have you had anything to eat?" Joshua asked casually

"No... Why?" I asked

"There is this new restaurant just down the street I promise you'd love it" he said.

I wondered why Joshua started talking about eating when I was pouring my heart out to him. Well I didn't argue with him. So I just went with him.

***at the restaurant***

"Don't you just love the smell" Joshua said after inhaling the scent

"What are you doing" I said

"Let's have a sit first..." He said before leading me to an empty seat.

The waiter took our orders...

"Joshua what's this about" I said

"Chill it's just food..." I said with a smirk on his face

Then the waiter arrived wit out foods

"Remember when you went on a date with big head Fred..." Joshua said

"Yeah... That was the worst date ever. I don't understand why you keep on calling him big head Fred... His head is not that big" I said, then laughed

"He was lucky he didn't try to kiss you. He would her damaged your face with his head" Joshua mocked

We both laughed  for a while, then we became quite.

"Umm... What about Fiona" I said

"What about her" Joshua said casually

"I mean like how is she... She's everything you've ever wanted in a girl right?" I said

"Well... Fiona is a nice girl, but she's not just for me." He said

"So you are single" I said with a smile

" Yeah... But why the smile though" I said

"Hmm!!! I'm not  smiling" I said awkwardly.

Then we focused on eating our foods. After the meal, we went to the river side which was not that far from the restaurant.

"Hmm its getting dark" I said

"Yeah... But don't you just love the view?" Joshua said pointing to the sky

I just stared at the sky with a big smile on my face. It was so beautiful and a felt calm in my soul. I came back to reality when Joshua stood at my front with rose petals he poured it on my head and I couldn't help but smile.
Then he held my chin with his finger tips, he leaned in and gave me a heart warming kiss on my lips. 

"I never stopped loving you Alison. I just needed time to clear my head. I'm sorry if I made you feel snubbed." Joshua said with a faint voice

I felt my heart beating faster than  usual. I found it hard to let a word out of my mouth. After a moment of silence, I said

"I love you too Josh"

The smile on his face made my heart melt and I couldn't help but smile too.

It's after I and Joshua confessed our feelings for each other. We've be going out on dates, and spending a lot of time with each other. But it was finally time for me to go back to London cause, the break was over. I felt weak in my heart when I remember going back to London. Because it meant going back to Tyler and the whole drama.
Well Joshua tried talking me out of it but I can't just run away from my studies because of a guy.

When I arrived London, I went straight to the apartment to get my stuff because I've made up my Mind to stay somewhere far from  Tyler. But when I got there, I found out it the place was  wrecked. I tried calling Jessi but her phone was switched off. I called Hardin  luckily it went through.

"Hey Hardin what's going on" I said

"What's the problem" he said

"I arrived at our place and I found out it was wrecked and I tried calling Jessi but her phone is switched off" I said worried

"Jessi is fine she's still in Bristol. But for you staying there I think it not safe I'll come get you immediately" Hardin said

Some minutes later Hardin arrived at the place then we went to his place.

"Who would do that kind of thing" Hardin asked worried

"Tyler" I said afraid

"Who's Ty... Oh you mean that fool who doesn't know how to respect women" Hardin said

My phone rang and it was Tyler calling. I hesitated at first, but then I finally answered.

"So you finally answered... You are finally back in London that's good I hope you saw how beautiful I made your apartment. That is just the beginning of what I'm gonna do to you. You think you can ignore me right?" He said coldly.

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