chapter 12 | rehab

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CW : mentions of alcoholism
Third Person
Suddenly Darryls eyes shot up. "Ha-Hu-mph?" He stutters on his words mumbling. "You passed out." Zak trembles, still recovering from what happened seconds ago. "Oh.." Darryl breathes. "We need to get you to the nearby doctors." Zak tightens his grip onto Darryl's wrist.

"Zak your just make this situation worse, stop worrying I'm fine- it was probably just because of the heat." Darryls speaks with a pleading look on his face, "No.. please." Zak responds. Darryl couldn't help but look at the younger boy, "Just for you..." he sighs.

Zak grabs his wrist and drags him to the front door, he calls his security guard Max and asks him to come with them; keeping them protected. Zak grabs a mask, beanies and glasses. "Why do you look like that?" Darryl chuckles. "A disguise, paparazzi gets crazy."

"Ooh can I wear one? We can be like.. matching!" Darryl hops up and down. "Uh yeah sure!" The ravenette responds, he grabs doubles and hands them to his friend. Darryl puts them on, "When is Max gonna be here? He's really nice." Darryl asks.

The bell then rings.

"Right now I suppose" Zak replies. He opens the door and sees Max, "I've ordered you a normal looking car." Max speaks. "Thank you." Zak smiles, The duo (plus max obvi) leaves the apartment - Zak double checking that it's locked. "Do you have to do this all the time?" Darryl sighs while going down in the elevator. "Yeah I guess." Zak shrugs, "Well the time I went to your house I took the bus-"

"You took the bus? That's really dangerous Zak." Max raises an eyebrow. "But I turned out fine, that's what matters." Zak responds, all of them three are now waiting for car to arrive.

The silence is awkwardly silent between them all. Zak is off worrying about Darryl passing out, while Darryl is thinking of bubble tea; god who knows what Max is thinking about? Zak doesn't even know his birth date or what his hair looks like undone, it's always in a man bun.

When the cab arrives get all get inside, Max sitting in the passengers seat while Zak and Darryl sit at the back.


When they arrive at the doctors Max stays inside with the driver. Zak and Darryl walk inside, Zak trying to keep as anonymous as possible. Zak's already made a reservation in the car through his phone.

"Darryl Novescosch?" The doctor calls out. "That's me haha." Darryl looks down at his lap, "Its not like your getting a shot or anything." Zak giggles. Darryl takes some deep breathes then walks towards the doctor, both of them walking into the office.


The doctor runs some tests, checking what caused him to faint. When done the doctor prints some papers, "Please call your friend to come in with you." The doctor neatly stacks his papers on top of each other, the brunette nods and comes out of the doctors office. "Zak." He says, The brown eyed boy instantly looks back at him. "Yes?" Zak says, "Come." Darryl speaks - signalling him to come over. Zak follows.

Zak and Darryl takes a seat at the two chairs placed next to the desk. "This faint isn't related to heat." The doctors states. "What was it then?" Zak asks, Darryls eyes clench.


Doctor clears his throat. "It was due to alcohol. Darryls underage and he drank to much tequila."

Zak freezes, this impossible, Darryl promised him that he wouldn't drink again. "But.. you promised." Zak looks at the boy next to him.

"If this happens again he needs to go to rehab."

"No he doesn't." Zak breathes

"Yes he does."

"No he doesn't, he's a minor." Zak points to the brunette.

"That doesn't matter."

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