chapter 32 | elevator

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Third Person POV
It's offical, they're dating.

They agreed to keep in contact every day. Once Darryl gets out of rehab Zane will take him to the movies, as a date. The thought of all of this made Darryl thrilled, and excited. But shockingly enough..


Darryl doesn't wanna admit it, this is exactly how he felt when dating Zak. But he didn't feel like this with Kyle? Whatever, he needs to forget about that muffin, he's full of his own shit.

Darryls in the gaming room, playing chess with some random 18-23 year old. She hasn't spoke at all, Darryl said hi but she didn't respond. "I'm gonna win." Darryl spat under his breath; He's incredibly addicted to chess. He hosted a chess club back in middle school - that didn't go to well.

"No your not." The blonde girl smirks. Darryl moves his piece, getting the others queen. "Told you." The brunette giggles. The girl rolls her eyes and leaves the game room.

Everything feels so different without any of friends to comfort him.


Darryls on his phone, he's texting Zane until he suddenly gets a text from Zak.

Hey, I miss you! Can I know when your getting out?

I never said if I forgave u or not

Darryl, please

I'm sorry, and I mean that.


I'm getting out tomorrow

Great, I'll see you soon 💕


Darryl's still obviously fucking pissed at Zak but he can't lie, he's excited to see him again. Darryl yawns, tomorrow he finally gets out. He takes off his glasses and places it on the bedside table. He looks at the clock, it's 9:30pm. He grabs the minecraft pig plushie Zane gave him before he left. He cuddles it to sleep, it still smells like him.


Darryl doesn't realise when he is, he's standing in an elevator by himself. The elevator isn't moving and it's cold, something similar to something that just came out of a horror movie. Darryl uses his hands as rubs them against his arms to warm them.

Darryl is wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts, what he went to sleep in. As Darryl inspected the room he hears a noise, an electronic ding.

Darryl notices the elevator door opening. But he couldn't go in farther, it's Zak and Zane. Waiting for him, standing still.

"Babe." Zane breathes. He looks at Zak, Zak is just smiling with half lidded eyes, "Baby."

"Come here." Zak and Zane both  in sync. Go where? With them? But who?

"I miss you." Zak speaks, Darryl looks at the younger. "I can't wait to see you again." Zane smiles - Darryl looks back at him. Darryl hesitantly walks to Zane first, Zane cups Darryls cheeks. Zane mumbles something under his breath but Darryl isn't sure what he says, instead Zane pulls him into a kiss.

In front of Zak? Darryl thought, but this is all a dream, it doesn't matter.

The kiss was very short and smooth, when the kiss session was done Zak tugged on Darryls hand - guiding him to come over. Zak puts his hands on Darryls waist. Seconds before Zak leaned in forward, further forward until their lips touched. Very similar to how Zak would act in real life.

Gentle, assuring and caring. Same as Zane.

When Zak pulled away Darryl couldn't tell what was going on. He doesn't know if he still hates Zak, but there's a voice telling him that 'he's the right one.'

Weirdly, a clip board and a pen appears in the brunettes hands. He reads what the paper attached to it says.

Underline Your Favourite
Zak or Zane

Darryl writes down his answer, pondering about it for a second.

"This is what I want, what'll be good for me" Darryl mutters, he looks back at the two, watching him. He chooses, underlining the other one for a minute but changing his mind shortly after.

Underline Your Favourite
Zak or Zane

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