chapter 47 | record shop

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Darryl POV
I decided to try out a new bubble tea flavour today, normally I get taro milk tea but today I'm trying honeydew milk tea. Vincent and Harvey are both getting matcha milk tea - what basics. I haven't drank bubble tea in a while, not in a few weeks at least.

"Be careful! You almost stepped over Rat." I grumble to Vincent, tugging on Rats leash away from him. "I'm sorry!" Vincent responds, we're walking around town, all three of us wearing scarfs and beanies. After the first sip of my milk tea I immediately start to gag, "Someone please take this, I need to swap with one of you." I cough whilst covering my mouth.

"I'll swap with you, I haven't drank from it yet." Harvey on my left side offers. We exchange drinks and I feel way better. "Holy shit, this is really good!" Harvey speaks; "Language." I mutter quietly. I notice some people stare at Rat, I'm pretty sure her pink vest knitted by Grandma is a bit distracting to some people.

We walk into a record shop later, at the door they have one of those door beads attached to the frame of the door.

Rat sniffs around while Vincent, Harvey and me seperate our ways, Harvey walking towards the k-pop record section while Vincent walks around the rock record section. I look around the metal record section, picking up some familiar albums and looking at them.

"Do you guys even have a record player?" Vincent turns to look at both us, we're all parted away from each other crossed the shop. "No." Harvey holds back a chuckle before letting it out. "I'm pretty sure my Grandma has one." I shrug, I've seen her use it a few years back.

I wander around the rock section, and I notice an Inside Sweater album. "Oh my gosh." I talk to myself, I take my phone out of my back pocket and snap a picture of the record. I then send it to Zak, last night we started to talk for hours on end, I'm glad we're friends again.

Omg look what I found o_O

(picture attached)

omg no way haha, are u gonna take it home?

Of course why wouldn't I?

I turn off my phone when I notice Vincent and Harvey walking out of the shop.


4 hours of sleep last night, four hours.

We're currently on our drive to Pennsylvania.

"Motherfucker." Ant talks out loud. "What?" Cara cocks her head right away, me and Geo are also alarmed too. "Max got arrested."

"What? For what!?" I try to peek at Ants phone. "He was harassing people in public while high. He then started to throw fists at police." I snicker, "Sorry sorry." I clear my throat.

I take out my phone and message Darryl

holy shit max got arrested

Omg no way xD why?!

apparently for public harassment and violence to police officers or smth like that


When we stop on our way, we start to order McDonald's. "I'll get a 20 piece chicken nugget please, with some fanta." Ant orders. "20 pieces? Holy shit bro." Cara mumbles, she then orders for herself, "I'll a double cheeseburger meal with a strawberry milk shake."

Geo then orders following Cara, "I'll get a kids happy meal with apple pie. Ooh and is it possible if I can get two toys?"

"A happy meal? Dude, grow up." I laugh. "Shut up Zakky Wakky, what are you getting them hmph?" He responds.

"Uhmm.." I start, I'm really not that hungry, it's 2pm and I haven't ate anything today.. maybe I'll get hungry later. "I'll just get a small fry and a Diet Coke."

"That's very unlike you." Cara hums. What she's obviously referring to is how I normally stack out and eat like 5 hamburgers in a single sitting. "Just not hungry I guess." I shrug.

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