chapter 20 | cupids got me in a chokehold

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This is the day I'm going to confess to my best friend.. Darryl.

There's been certain.. signs, where I thing he may like me back. Let me give you a few examples.

A week after we met, he kept being touchy - and he's told me many, many times that his way to show affection is by touch, mines by assuring, verbally and gift giving. Also myself, I've been trying to hint I like him too. I always give him special little gifts such as this one time a gave him a little studded duck plushie or when I bought him pickle chips and peanut M&Ms - his favourite snacks.

Also he tends to act shy and/or nervous around me, and apparently those are one of the signs they like you. Currently my TikTok search history if full of, 'how to tell if they like you' or 'how to tell if queer.' Yeah, the last one is random but I'm really curious.. like REALLY. I feel like Darryl is my bisexual awakening. Like he fell down from heaven just so he can charm men with his handsome appearance or cute giggles.     Fuck you Darryls handsome looks.

Plus, Darryl is gay.. so now I know I have a better chance.

Should I tell him I've text? Or in real life.. Shit, I want this to be good don't I? I'm Zak Ahmed. Maybe in real life - Over text sounds corny. Okay,, how am I gonna do this?

Cupids got me in a choke hold.

The song I wrote was wrote specially for Darryl, but no one's knows that, especially my band mates. Just me. You would probably think Cara would be the only one who gets recognised since Me, Geo, and Ant would be seen as backup musicians but no we aren't, we agreed that we would all get loved and recognised equally. So, Cara includes us into interviews more and let's us sing some parts of the sing too.

I grunt slightly and unlock my phone, I open Twitter just to see a Inside Sweater post posted by a fanpage 25 minutes ago.

Can we all agree that the song performed at Inside Sweater last night was one of their best hits?!

I raise an eyebrow and scroll through the replies.

Exactly!! Omg. Apparently Zak wrote it.
| (someone replying to antsworld_56)
Omg! He defo meant it for someone.. what if it's Cara?? Or Geo
| (someone replying to carassweater)
Uhm.. no way, Geo isn't gay. Neither is Zak, that's weird lmao

I sigh heavily - I can't do this; I can't fall in love with a man knowing people won't accept me.

But yet, Darryl.

Darryl and his fluffy pancakes he makes for us two. Darryl and his beautiful green eyes.


I shut my eyes and toss my head on the back of the couch. Darryls about to arrive any minute now. I pull my hands to my mouth - covering them as I breathe warmly into my palms.

I left the door unlocked, so Darryl could just come in whenever. Suddenly I hear the door open. And that's when I see Darryl - wearing a cute outfit, a white knitted cardigan, a black turtle neck and skinny denim jeans. "Hey!" He smiles, plopping down his tote bag onto my kitchen counter.

He then sits on the couch opposite of me. "Whats up?" He crosses his legs. Fuck, "Uhm.. there's something I need to tell you." I click my tongue. "Mhm?" He mumbles, slightly turning his head.

My ears start to ring, and everything feels like it's running towards me.. the walls, the couches, the plants. "Please don't hate me for this." "I won't - now what is it? Did you get a girl pregnant?! Tell me Zak- please." The brunette pouts. "The song." I breathe.

"Yes? What song??"

"The one I wrote."

"What about it?" Darryl smacks his lips.

"I wrote it about someone." I bite my lip. Everything is silent, I look at Darryl and I see he's looking down at his shoes. "Yeah?"

"It's someone you know." I hint.

"Cara?" He guesses.


"Who then?"



"Wai- Isn't that a love song? Or am I mistaken." Darryl chuckles somewhat uncomfortably. "Yes.. oh my god- this is a disaster." I start to sit up. "No Zak!" Darryl reaches for my arm, grasping onto it like there's no tomorrow.

"I appreciate that." He grins softly.

I stop for a moment.

"It's cute." He finishes.

I feel myself blushing.

"I'm just a bit in a shock right now aha.." Darryl let's go of my arm.

"So is that a yes?" I look at him directly in the eyes.

"Yes I like you back Zak." He rolls his eyes playfully.

FUCK YEAHH WOO HOO.. but wait.. what's really cumming for them next.? 😨

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