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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.



⚠️ Warning: Language ⚠️

1850 words (Almost 2000, yay!)

—Great Britain's POV—

Britain formally sat in his assigned seat, glancing at the time. The meeting started at 7:30 AM, and at the moment, it was 6:45.

That may be too early for some people, but Britain just liked to be early. Being early to the World Meetings gave him time to think.

This World Meeting was being hosted in France, inside her own UN building. Each country was required to have some sort of UN building, just in case UN requested them to host a World Meeting.

France's Meeting room was spacious, with a high, dome-shaped ceiling, and a circular room shape. Tall pillars hugged the walls, stretching up above everyone's head. The dome-ceiling was made of glass, letting in all the sunshine anyone could ever imagine.

On one side of the room, a elevated stage hosted three desks for the organizations to sit in. Facing the organizations were dozens of individual desks, with one five seater desk in front of them. Britain in fact, was currently sitting in it. The five seater desk was for the Founding Fathers Great Britain, France, Russia, China, and America.

And lastly, there was two huge dark oak doors as the only entrance and only exit.

The meeting room was silent, with only the clock's ticking filling in for the noise. Almost no one was this early, probably still waking up. Britain laughed to himself.

"Excuse me?"

Britain jumped. Britain turned to look behind him, making himself face to face with a country with three stripes.


Britain thought no one else was inside the room...

"Buten tag." Germany smiled calmly, pushing up his glasses. "May I speak with you?"

"Of course Germany." Britain said after calming his nerves. He was a quite surprised that Germany had already arrived (and he hadn't noticed), but that was on Britain's end. Everyone knew Germany was also an early bird. "What do you need?"

"Have you seen United States recently? Your son?" Germany asked.

The last question hurt a little bit, but Britain shrugged it off. Britain and America had a strained relationship, but it is what it is.

Germany continued, "I have some discussions I need to make with him."

Britain shook his head. "Sorry Germany. I have not seen America in quite a while either."

Germany just nodded, leaving to go back to his own desk. As Germany left though, his question got Britain thinking. When was the last time Britain saw America?

Britain would usually see America weekly, daily even, because of the close relationship between their countries. Britain would usually find himself in the same economic, WHO, and NATO meetings with America. Sometimes they even had meetings where it was just the two of them, but they only talked business-wise and no personal discussion was spared.

Now that Britain thought about it, none of those meetings have been scheduled recently. WHO meetings haven't even been scheduled yet.

There were still World Meetings of course, but if you were looking for America, you would have no luck. America had been skipping the World Meetings recently.

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