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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

Okay so I just wanna say WOW. We've reached 300 views everyone! THREE HUNDRED. Thank y'all so much, it's really appreciated! ^^



⚠️ Warning: Language, Blood, Sensitive War Topics ⚠️

[3055 words]

—Palestine's POV (Middle Eastern Country)—

Someone screamed from behind Palestine, and then she heard a gunshot. Add that person to the death count that was quickly rising, and Palestine reasonably started getting overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed from the explosions, civilian casualties, or even the whole war that broke out in her country, she didn't know. All she knew was that her heart was painfully beating out of her ribcage, and her hands were shaking from the pressure.
All she just knew was that if she made even one slip up, one mistake, she could be dead.

Heavy footsteps marched in unison towards the ever ending explosions, the nervous soldiers fidgeting with their guns. Arabic tanks and cannons were aimed at the sky, shooting down the planes that were roaring from above.

Earlier this week, the US had made their first move replying to the ever growing tensions between foreign countries. Many countries had been already preparing for a war, but none of them had prepared for America's first target to be the Middle East.

That was, of course, until everyone put two with two.

America was trying to kill everyone's oil supply.

The Middle East was the world's largest oil supplier next to Russia, and sold at least fifty percent of oil to Europe and some of Asia. To put it simply, the Middle East was a BIG supplier. Bigger than other countries admit, to Pakistan's annoyance.

So anyways, when America's planes flew from above, dropping bombs onto the Middle Easts' treasured oil factories, Palestine knew that they were going against the real deal. This wasn't just going to be a war for the laughs.

Palestine's opponent, the world's opponent, knew what he was doing. This attack on the Middle East showed it. Their opponent was smart.

Their opponent, America, was smart.

America probably has this all planned out already. America probably has this war all planned out already.

America knows which countries to pick off first. He knows which countries are going to be harder to knock out. He knows each and every one of the countries, from the inside-out.

Every countrys' weaknesses, every countrys' strengths, everyone revealed it to America when he had his loose grip on the world. When he had his military bases spread across the globe.

Everyone thought that America was too stupid and too divided to try and take over the world. Palestine wouldn't admit it, but she thought that too.

America always seemed so laid-back, so lazy, it was hard not to think that, in all honesty.


—Turkey's POV—

—A few days later—

Turkey's footsteps echoed through the long hallway, shadows reaching across the walls. Silence crept up into Turkey's nerves, chills running down his back.

Dark and eerie thoughts accompanied Turkey, the large doors to the meeting room disappearing behind him.

Turkey had tried. He really had. But no one was offering any help.

A War Against All [Countryhumans Tenebrous AU]Where stories live. Discover now