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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

Sorry for the long wait!

Hope this long chapter made it up :3



⚠️ Warning: Language, Blood, Injury, Death ⚠️

[3568 Words]

|| America's POV ||

They had been so close.

The truck had been right there.

"Y'know, America..."

POA started slowly. "I didn't take you as someone who was naive."

"Hurry!" Ciro had shouted, waving an arm. "Get in the truck— we have to go before they find out you're gone!"

Ciro had thrown the driver's door open, hopping in. One of his friends, a older teen with bright blond hair and blue eyes, jumped into the passenger's seat at the same time.

America couldn't help himself from answering. "I'm not naive."

Another of Ciro's friends, a girl with a tight bun and extended lashes, unlocked the back of the truck. She motioned for all the other guards and America to hop in with her.

The guards did. America was about to, too, but...

"Ciro says otherwise." POA lightly tutted. "...Sorry. I meant said."

The sound of ticking had reached his ears.

"He was young, as you may have guessed." POA continued, looking around his office in what could only be explained as boredom. "I never wanted to #^8? him...."

America immediately blocked out that word. He didn't want to hear any of it.

It took a moment for America to realize that the ticking was coming from inside the truck.

"Then why did you do it?" America asked, his voice hoarse.

He already knew that was a stupid question. He already knew the stupid answer too.

But by then, it was already too late.

"Well." POA chuckled lightly. "I couldn't let you get away."



America was thrown about twenty-feet from the blast to the ground, yelling the whole way.

Sooner than later he tumbled to a rocky stop, laying face-down in the rough concrete. With the blast still raging over his head, America decided to lay there for a moment.

It wasn't until he mustered enough energy to look up when his will to move came back to him. America's eyes widened, staring at what used to be the truck.

He was horrified at what he saw.

First of all, there was fire. Everywhere.

Where the truck used to be, in filled its place a burning pile of debris. Ones similar to it lay nearby as well.

The burning heat from the fire enveloped America's face, giving him just a small taste of how hot the fire actually was. Smoke and ash also filled his lungs and eyes, making him cough violently and eyes burn. America barely kept the tears back.

A War Against All [Countryhumans Tenebrous AU]Where stories live. Discover now