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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

So I rewrote the last chapter, so you might wanna re-read that if you've read it before I rewrote it. I'm sorry, I was just cringing re-reading that chapter and I had enough 😭

Overall, from the poll in YT and the votes from my friends, it seems as if New York has won over Texas.

I hope New York likes the surprise!

Thank you to all those who have voted too, I appreciate all y'all participating ^^

Also, thank you so much to everyone who is commenting! I love y'all, y'all make my day, you all get a lollipop 🍭

Uh, this is sort of a short filler to just get a chapter out. Originally, this chapter and the next chapter were supposed to be one 😅

Sorry if I didn't make this clear, but NATO is working closely with EU because of this war, so that's why UK is in 'EU' meetings.



⚠️ Warning: Language ⚠️

[1564 words]


NATO looked down at UN.

UN was currently laid across a hospital bed, wires and machines connected to him. The slow beep of a heart meter and consistent tick of the clock pounded into NATO's head.

Ever since the war had started, UN's health had been declining. Fast.

His wings and halo were losing their glow by the second, and it's been hard for UN to speak or sleep.

Soon enough, UN's health had declined so much that it reached the danger zone, where UN then had to be relocated to one of WHO's hospitals.

WHO was trying her best, but the organizations could all tell UN's time was ending soon.

"Where— Where are the others?" UN asked, his voice dry and hoarse. UN licked his chapped lips.

NATO looked at UN, shoving away his thoughts. He straightened up and clasped his hands behind his back.

"EU is at a meeting trying to control the countries, sir." NATO replied, "ASEAN is with his family."

"...I see." UN hummed. "Where is African Union?"

"Also with her family sir. She is trying to calm down the panic."

UN nodded, and the room was plunged into a silence.

NATO awkwardly stood at the side of UN's bed, not knowing if he was dismissed. NATO let a few more minutes tick by, before he nodded and turned on his heel.

NATO had his hand on the doorknob before he heard a quiet voice stop him.


NATO turned to face UN, trying to hide his embarrassment. He guessed he had been wrong about being now being his time to leave. "I am sorry, sir. Am I dismissed?"

"You know you do not have to call me sir? E-Even if you are being formal, we rank the same." UN croaked. His eyes sparkled with mild amusement from his relaxed position.

He looked so... peaceful.

Not stressed, not tired, not overworked— peaceful. It must of just been NATO, but it was odd seeing UN in this state.

"Yes, si— Yes." NATO answered. He tried to hide the relief in his face, he wasn't in trouble.

"Can you... can you come back here?" UN said. "Just for a bit."

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