2 (Edited)

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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

Loved y'all's reaction to the last chapter haha. Johnny is sadly up to something, and da states are getting heated. Wait until the war actually happens...

Anyways thanks for all of you who dropped a comment for the last two chapters! Writing is just so much more fun when you know an audience is there 😅



⚠️ Warning: Language ⚠️

[1437 words]

—Turkey's POV—

Turkey smiled, moving his face upwards towards the bright sun. He closed his eyes calmly, feeling a relaxing sensation swallow him up.

It was a beautiful day, and Turkey was lucky enough to be off from work as well.

He was currently at a park, with lush grass and healthy oak trees. Flowers and bushes popped out of the ground, giving the park an even more homey feel.

A few humans walked by every so often, a few picture takings here, and a few autographs there. Countryhumans were like celebrities or even second presidents to the humans, so Turkey expected this behavior.

Soon enough though, Turkey was met by a familiar country.

"Didn't expect to see you here, arkadaş."

Turkey looked up, to find Iran, out of all countries, standing over him. Turkey smiled, motioning for Iran to sit next to him.

"Me neither. What brings you here?" Turkey asked, turning towards his friend as he sat down.

Believe it or not, Iran and Turkey actually had a strong alliance. The two had grown up with each other, growing a competitive spirit between them and having had a border that hasn't seen war in decades.

"I was in the area so I decided to come and stop by." Iran answered. He had a raspy, deep-ish voice, which Iran himself found embarrassing. He never talked much because of it, but in Turkey's opinion, Iran shouldn't feel embarrassed about his voice. His voice was very soothing.

"That's nice of you. I'm not doing anything interesting though. Just sunbathing." Turkey smiled softly.

"Sunbathing is fine. It's a nice day for it."

Turkey nodded in agreement. "Yeah."


—Philippines's POV—

Philippines fidgeted with a bright yellow flower, swirling it in her fingers. She ended up tucking it over her ear, checking herself in the mirror.

She walked outside of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She then went downstairs into her living room, collapsing onto the couch. It was a hot day (as usual), and she was home alone.

Philippines pulled out her phone from her pocket, scrolling through her contacts. Her finger hovered over her Kuya's contact, before she pressed it.

Dozens of messages from her side popped up, along with a couple of missed calls. America had been "missing" for a while now, and countries were now starting to get worried. Including Philippines.

A War Against All [Countryhumans Tenebrous AU]Where stories live. Discover now