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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

*Causally posts after three months*

The Canadian invasion takes place roughly two weeks after Ciro's death.



⚠️Warning: Language, Violence, Blood⚠️

[2211 Words]

|| POA's POV ||

POA was frustrated.

He was frustrated so much he was angry— angry enough to want to yell and shout, to throw a tantrum like a little child and fling chairs across the room. He was so angry, he almost couldn't think straight.

Keyword; almost.

POA was a person who's only superpower was his words. Who's only superpower was being cunning and clever. He didn't have super strength or super speed, he only had this.

So that's why when even a single string in POA's web snapped, he would immediately start panicking.

So just imagine how POA felt when multiple strings snapped. Because of his own actions, too.

At the time, POA thought he was making the right choice. He really was.

But in the end it had been too much. Too much for America, and too much for them.

POA had crossed the line, the line he so delicately made sure he wavered on.

POA shouldn't have crossed the line, and he shouldn't have killed that child. That boy was more trouble dead than alive.

In the end, POA decided panic was going to make nothing better. He could put these hours better used thinking than panicking.

POA knew his strengths. He knew his weaknesses. He knew his situation, and the people involved.

All he needed to know now was what to do.

He had time. He could think. He did in fact say he was quite good at being cunning and clever, after all.

So that's what he would do. Keep moving.

Keep moving steadily, smartly, and most importantly, forward.

Keep to the initial plan.

Learn from your mistakes, and adapt.

He could do this.


"Mr—, sir! You can't be here!" A solider basically shouted in POA's ear, stumbling at his heels. You could tell he was trying his best to pull back the man while at the same time trying to not touch him entirely. "Please, this is against protocols! Where— where are your bodyguards?"

POA didn't look back as he answered, "They're around here somewhere, don't worry. I asked them to give me some privacy, but you know how they are. It's extremely likely they're all just merely watching me from behind their sniper guns, way up high on the rooftops."

A War Against All [Countryhumans Tenebrous AU]Where stories live. Discover now