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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

They're preparing us for highschool, like making us do our four-year plan... It's not rlly that bad it's just rlly boring TwT AND I HATE XELLO!

‼️‼️‼️Also one major thing‼️‼️‼️
I kinda changed my mind about France's gender... so... now France is going to be a male. Sorry if this change is sudden, but let's pretend France was always a male, shall we?

Thank you!



⚠️ Warning: Language ⚠️

[1118 Words]

—Iceland's POV—

Bustling, all around him.

From battalions of fresh soldiers to workers directing huge militaristic tanks, everyone and everything was moving. Rushing, in fact.

The supplies and soldiers had just arrived in Iceland from Europe, making a quick stop to transfer everything to bigger, more sturdier cargo ships.

The next stop was in Greenland, which was all the way across the Atlantic. They would need the bigger, sturdier cargo ships.

Someone yelled at Iceland in English, making him snap his attention to them. Iceland stared at the worker, having to take a moment to process what they just said.

When Iceland realized they were trying to tell him to move out of the way, he basically ran to the side, making himself as small as possible.

He watched as the said worker used these two glowing sticks to direct a truck down the road Iceland was just standing in, using exaggerated hand motions. As the truck rolled past, Iceland noticed a few curious pairs of eyes peering at him from the open trunk.

It was a group of young soldiers, most in their late teens. The rest were in their early twenties.

One soldier waved awkwardly, and when Iceland waved back, his face lit up. Iceland smiled a bit, and was about to sign something to the soldier, but the truck was already gone.

In it's place, was another truck full of bright-eyed, young soldiers. Then another, and another, and another. Iceland looked back down the road to find more than a dozen.

And just as they came, they were gone. Off to be shipped to war, was the most obvious answer to where they were heading.

The thought saddened Iceland. He brushed it off quickly though.

Because so much other things were currently circling in his mind.

Guilt, mostly.

He, Iceland, was supposed to be the one directing everyone and everything where to go and where to put everything, since it was his country— but he kinddd of let some of the others take over.

The others meaning Great Britain and Germany.

In his defense, Iceland just didn't know most of what the names were of these advanced military weapons, and was afraid he would accidentally mess up.

Especially since even if it was just one, teeny-tiny mess up, it could end up being the factor everyone dies. The stakes were that high.

...Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. It could end up being the factor they lose the war. Not die.

"I don't know where Cargo 5-11 is, you're supposed to know!"

Iceland's ears perked up, his ear drums picking up on familiar voices over everything else. He turned towards the sound, but couldn't see where it was originating from, as crowds moved in front of them.

"What do you mean I'm supposed to know??" A different voice said, their voice rising. "Sure I read the maps but I didn't memorize them."

"Well, if you didn't memorize them, did you at least bring them?!"

Iceland wandered over the noise, pushing through the crowd, to find a clearing. In the middle of the clearing, was Great Britain and Germany themselves.

They both looked very stressed, Iceland noted. Britain was fumbling around with papers in his arms, and Germany was scribbling on a clipboard while muttering un-distinguished words into his earpiece.

"Bloody hell," Britain swore, "I swear I had it in here..."

Germany sighed, running his fingers through his tangled hair. "Just forget it. We'll just ask around."

"That'll look bad though." Britain muttered, still digging through the pile of papers in his arms. "What is everyone going to think when their leaders start asking for directions??"

"Verdammt." Germany groaned. "Maybe let's just walk around, look for signs or text on the cargo ships."

Iceland beamed at the sight, weirdly enough.

He could finally help in some way! Get rid of his guilt that's been biting at him, even as selfish as that seems.

Iceland walked over to the two, coming up from behind them. He tapped Britain's shoulder, but Britain didn't seem to catch it.

"We'll have to do it fast..." Britain muttered. "We're on a time cramp."

"You don't have to remind me twice, Great Britain." Germany said.

Iceland frowned at not being heard, tapping Britain's shoulder again.

This time, to Iceland's relief, Britain turned around.

To his displeasure though, Iceland was met with a look of pure annoyance. He jumped back in shock.

"I'm sorry mate, can you go find another time to ask whatever you were going to? I'm quite busy at the moment—" Britain hissed, before stopping mid-sentence when he realized it was just Iceland. His expression softened.

"Oh, it's just you." Britain sighed, "Wait! You can help us find Cargo 5-11, yeah? You came at the perfect time!"

Iceland nodded, his shook expression turning into one of pleasure. 'I'd be happy to help!' Iceland signed. 'Cargo 5-11, you said?'

It took a moment for Britain and Germany to translate the sign inside their heads, but Germany soon nodded.

'Follow me.' Iceland motioned, turning around to walk towards their destination. He glanced over his shoulder every so often to make sure the two were following him, which they were.

When Iceland saw the large cargo ship, with 'CARGO 5-11' painted in big, white, faded letters on the side, he stopped. Britain and Germany seemed to notice they were at their so-longed Cargo 5-11, thanking Iceland profusely.

Iceland blushed, flattered. He signed, 'No need to thank me. It was just directions. You guys are the ones I should be thanking.'

Britain and Germany immediately went to work after that, Germany calling in everyone he needed from his earpiece while Britain directed the workers already there. So when the trucks full of equipment and battalions of men marched in, Iceland knew it was his time to leave.



Thanks for reading this far! Short chapter again, lmao.

But don't worry, longer chapters WILL come soon, I'm just focusing on my animation and YT channel more right now.

Cya next time! Ba bye :))

(I'll edit this chapter later 🧍‍♀️)

A War Against All [Countryhumans Tenebrous AU]Where stories live. Discover now