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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

When a personification experiences a riot of any sort, their head is usually filled with the voices of the riot (Angry yelling, screaming). The personification usually feels as if their body is getting ripped into two, and sometimes even feels as if someone if beating them up. If the riot ever gets too, too out of hand, blood starts running down their face from their head.

How big the personification's land is and how big is the riot also counts too. If the personification is a small country or state, than when having even a small riot can give them big consequences. Bigger personifications don't have much to worry about though, unless the riot is really severe.



⚠️ Warning: Language, Slight Blood ⚠️

[3327 words]

—Kentucky's POV—

—A few days before Philippines saw the news (also a day after the fight)—

Kentucky sighed, laying spread eagle on his bedroom bed. He stared at the ceiling lazily, sad and dark thoughts swirling through his head. This was one of the first times he got to be alone with his thoughts, as the house was usually full of noise.

At the moment though, everything was silent.

No one was talking with each other. Not after the last fight.

Most states like New York and Louisiana left almost immediately the next morning, mentioning that they had work to do in their own state. Everyone knew it was so they didn't have to deal with the aftermath of the fight though.

The rest of the states who stayed were mostly the younger ones who couldn't leave by themselves. They were mostly the western states, like Hawaii, Oregon, and Idaho. Everyone kept to themselves, locking themselves inside their rooms and not coming out unless it was for the bathroom or for food.

The Middle states who were left had to deal with the territories, who were starting to become more crankier as no actual joy or noise graced the house.

Kentucky closed his eyes. He didn't actually blame anyone for not speaking after the fight. They felt guilty for what they did in the heat of the moment.

Kentucky wasn't exactly innocent from that feeling as well.

He had yelled so many hurtful things at his siblings that night, especially at Illinois.

Illinois had always been more introverted than most of the states, even towards his most closet siblings. Kentucky and Indiana had helped him out of this shell though, and Illinois had never been happier.

It was obvious that he looked up towards his older brothers, so when that night happened, Kentucky knew for sure he ruined their close relationship.

Kentucky had just been so mad and panicked at the moment, and Illinois just started to become too clingy. Kentucky, wanting space, had come out a little too harshly when he told Illinois to "bitch off."

After that, Indiana had disappeared into the crowd, not wanting to get in the way of Kentucky's fury.

Kentucky sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. He felt like he should apologize to Illinois and Indiana. He had to be thee bigger man. Apologize for one; being a total jerk, and two; for not apologizing sooner.

Kentucky swung his legs over the edge of his bed. He slumped out of his room nervously, already reciting his apology speech inside his head.

Illinois's room was right across Kentucky's, so Kentucky procrastinated as much as could before he actually stood in front of Illinois's door.

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