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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

Any theories on how this story will end? I'm honestly so excited for this fan-fiction again, the thrill and support is amazing! Thank you all for getting this far ❤️

Important head-cannon I should mention: Personifications can die again and again, and be "respawned" almost every single time. Only when the personification's country or state collapses the personification will be put to eternal death by fading out of existence. Despite this, many personifications dislike dying, as you may have guessed, because the phantom pains are actually torture.



[1275 Words]

|| Great Britain's POV ||

The cargo sent to Canada was a success, with only three ships shot down by American bombers. It had been an extremely close call for Italy and Germany's ship, but in the end all the personifications that had come along for the ride had made it out alive.

When they had arrived on the beaches of northern Quebec, Britain and the others had been pleasantly surprised to find Canada waiting for them. With what Canada's country was currently going through Britain knew the Canadian's time was not spent lightly.

After the initial attack on Toronto, other attacks from the Americans had been launched all across the Canadian-American border. Canada's troops were spread thinly, much to the delight of their enemies. It scared Britain to think of Canada losing his land, similar to how he felt with France during WW2. He shuddered.

As the ships docked onto the harbor and the workers started unloading the cargo, Britain and the other personifications made their way to Canada, who was standing at the entrance of a nearby building. It was busy and the harbor was filled with all kinds of people, but every once in a while the crowd would part respectfully for the personifications. The personifications have always been figures of otherworldly standards to the humans, from their natural super-human strength and immortality to their years of experience and wisdom.

"It's been so long!" A tired, but thrilled, voice greeted. Canada grinned shyly, "How was the ride here?"

"Rough." Germany answered from behind Britain and France. "Your brother is crazy. Can't believe I almost died on a random ship in the middle of the sea."  He sighed.

Canada's grin fell off. "Yeah, we need to be more careful from now on. Whenever one of us is traveling we need to be undercover, and heavily protected. You guys should feel lucky America was focused on me."

Lucky, huh? Britain looked Canada up and down, frowning. The personification looked like he had just earned a harsh beating, his eyes dark and bloodshot. His right wrist was wrapped in bandages.

"How about we head inside?" Canada suggested. "We can talk more once we find some privacy."

Following Canada, the personifications were led into the building and up the elevator, where they were then stuffed inside a meeting room. They had passed by several groups of soldiers on their way, all who nodded politely at Canada before going back to their business. Guessing from Canada's previous words, they were acting as some sort of bodyguards for the countries.

"Get cozy." Canada said, closing the door behind Spain, who was the last personification ushered inside. "We have a lot to talk about."

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