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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

Dialogue is so fricking hard to write 😀

It shows the characters' personalities and leads the plot on... IT'S SO HARD TO GET IT RIGHT GVSBWKXIW

Also, bruh, I'm trying to fit in more humor in this story— IT'S JUST SO HARD TO FIND THE RIGHT SPOTS

ugh I hate writing sm sometimes 😒


i'm just playing, fr fr. i still love u writing 🫶



⚠️ Warning: Language ⚠️

[1642 words]

—Italy's POV—

"We've come here to help."

Italy thought back to that meeting, resting his arms behind his head. He was currently in his hotel room, laying on his bed, musing over the day's events.

Iran paused mid-yell, stepping away from a exhausted EU. Confusion crossed Iran's face for a second, until he glanced at Turkey.

Turkey must've been smiling or something, because Iran was instantly relieved.

Turkey rushed over to Philippines, "Phil! You really came!"

Philippines smiled. "Of course I came. I brought some company as well."

She stepped aside to reveal about a dozen countries waiting behind her.


The whole room had been shocked into silence (very rare), but soon enough the room exploded into cheers. As European and Middle Eastern countries alike realized the Asian countries were offering help, things were finally looking up for them. All of them.

"Spain are you crying?" Italy tapped Spain's shoulder, grinning. "It sure is a miracle, huh?"

Spain turned around, his eyes filled with tears of joy. He was always a country who wore his emotions on his sleeve. "Of course I'm happy Mi amor! Do you know all the guilt that was just raised up from our shoulders?"

Philippines, along with Singapore, discussed their offers of help, in which everyone accepted whole-heartedly. The ASEAN organization, the organization personification and the countries in it, were going to send in medics and supplies to help the Middle East.

Jordan and Palestine had been beaming.

So had France, and even Italy himself.

Everything that was pulling their focus away from the main problem was now gone. Was now under control.

Leaving it all open, for Europe to finally shine.



America was getting reckless, dangerous.

POA bit his lip nervously, he had to do something about that soon. He wouldn't want the fear of having his own personification after his throat. That would be bad.

POA tapped his fingers on his desk, mulling around. Think, think, think.

What could POA do?

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