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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.



⚠️ Warning: Language, Warfare ⚠️

[2724 Words]

|| Canada's POV ||

"How many more days until you get here?"

"About three days. Two if we're lucky." Britain, Canada's adopted father replied. Canada heard Britain sigh through the call. "The rest of the ships will be there in five days, though."

"Wait— what?!" Canada exclaimed. He gave the phone a look, pretending it was Britain. "I thought you said all the cargo and ships and whatever would be here by two weeks! Three days later is already past the two weeks!"

"We couldn't help it, Canada." Britain said. "Recruiting men took longer than all of us personifications thought, and our quick-stop in Iceland was a bit slow."

"Is there any way you guys could arrive sooner? Can't you tell the captain of the ship to speed up?"

Okay, Canada knew that was a stupid question, but he couldn't believe this bullshit right now.

"Canada, we can't just 'speed up'.We're arriving in cargo ships, not speedboats."

Canada rubbed his temples in frustration. By the sound of Britain's voice right now, he didn't seem panicked at all! He just seemed tired.

Didn't he know that America, with his stupid technology and radios could easily catch on to this ambush plan any second? Canada and Mexico would be dead meat if America found out their plans, especially if he knew that their foreign aid hadn't arrived yet.

It was so bad that Canada didn't even bother to stop and think if his brother would actually attack him. He would, like he had all those years ago.

Feelings had been thrown out the window for a while now in this war, at least for Canada.

"Is anybody else with you and France?" Canada asked after a moment, gritting his teeth.

"Spain, Italy, and Germany are actually on the same boat as us." Britain answered. He assured, "Don't worry Canada, you'll have at least Europe's big five with you over there."

"...Thanks Dad." Canada said. He was still upset about how late the foreign aid was coming, but he let even the smallest of good news, like the one Britain had just said, ease tension out of his body. "Anyways, do you all know what to do when you arrive here?"

"Yeah. We got it all figured out. You don't want us to draw that much attention, correct?"

"Mhm. Who knows what'll happen if a single Tiktok-er or influencer gets a snap of you in Can—"


Canada stopped mid-sentence, a sharp pain hitting him right in the gut. The house Canada was in was literally shaking, and a few framed pictures hanging on the wall shattered as they fell to the ground. Canada had to clutch a nearby cabinet to stay standing himself.

He groaned, doubling over before mumbling, "What the fuck...?"

More blasts echoed throughout, now making it clear it was coming from outside. Canada limped to to the nearest window, peering out of it. What met him immediately struck fear and dread in his stomach. The single thing he had just been thinking about, had actually happened.


Neat rows of black fighter planes flew above in the sky, trailing thick smoke behind them. They were dropping bombs on the capital city of Canada, Ottawa, and were unfortunately doing a wonderful job of so.

A War Against All [Countryhumans Tenebrous AU]Where stories live. Discover now