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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

This chapter was really exciting to write. Y'all are going to LOVE the next chapter.



⚠️ Warning: Language, Blood, Violence, Death ⚠️

[1447 Words]

|| Canada's POV ||

"America, what the hell are you thinking?!"

America paused, momentarily, seeming to stare straight through Canada, before snapping out of it and scowling back at his brother. "What are you doing here?" He asked, stupidly.

Canada's scowl faltered. He wanted to rip his hair out at that question.

"What am I doing here? What am I doing here?!" Canada asked in disbelief. "You've got to be joking!"

"No. I'm not joking." America said, shaking his head. He opened his mouth, about to say more, but Canada beat him to that.

"—This is my fucking country America! The one you're currently attacking!" Canada shouted. He was sure he looked absolutely livid. "Why else wouldn't I be here, brother?!"

Canada tsked at his own words. As if he could even call America that. The personification standing in front of him was not the brother he had just been messing around a mere six months ago.


It's been six months?

Canada raced to calculate the amount of time passed in his head.

It had taken Canada and Mexico three weeks from their hangout until they noticed America's disappearance. That had been all the way back in August. Then only a few days later, America had attacked the Middle Eastern countries.

It was about three months before Asian aid came in and Europe was free of burden... then it took about a week or two to plan out the advance on America. Only after that did the Europeans started to enlist a great number of soldiers and haul them to Iceland to make the trip to Canada... that was another two weeks.

It was now almost January. Almost New Years.

Canada was stunned.

So it really turned out that it has been six months. Everything and everyone around him had just been changing so drastically he hadn't noticed time inching away in the background.

But wait, if that hangout was a full six months ago—

Canada's scowl was replaced by a frown.

—That also meant he hasn't spoken to his brother in six months. Not a single word.

No wonder Canada couldn't recognize the personification in front of him.

"I don't know!" America suddenly blurted out.

Canada snapped back to reality. His mind was blank at America's words, until he realized he was answering Canada's question.

A War Against All [Countryhumans Tenebrous AU]Where stories live. Discover now