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This chapter is not meant to offend, harm, or insult anyone or anybody. This is made purely for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.

Okay— recap. America and POA start WW3 by attacking the Middle East. The world is stunned, the rest of NATO hesitaste to help, and the states are affected by riots breaking out due to the disagreements about the war. ASEAN countries take the first step in helping the Middle East and Mexico and a few Eastern nations plan to attack America from the South. Europe sends off help to Canada, but just before it arrives Canada is invaded. Somewhere in there POA kidnaps a few states, but they're forgotten about due to the whole Canada situation.

I think that's all? Comment if I missed a few things, 'cause I feel like I've forgotten what I wrote down MYSELF 🤧



⚠️Warning: None ⚠️

[596 Words]

|| America's POV ||

Two months passed by.

It's been obvious, but ever since the war had started, America had been in the dumps. He's been unsure, hectic, and even a bit hesitant. It was not like himself. He was usually collected and clever in these situations but something about this war had tipped him off, and he's been losing his cool. America was pretty sure POA had caught wind of this and had tried to take advantage of it, and so far, it was working.

But as everyone started to move on, started to adapt without him, America knew he had to put it all to a stop. His feelings couldn't get in the way. America has literally fought a war against his own twin brother, how hard could this be?

He couldn't falter now. Not now, when he had a target on his back that everyone was shooting for. His family, his friends, his neighbors— America cut off everything when he started this war. Now he just had to act like it. So he buried it. Buried it deep and didn't look back.

Just a week ago, America finally got in contact with his states. America knew they had been affected when the war had started, but he had never thought it could've been so bad. He had been furious when he found out POA had tried using his states against him as leverage, and immediately demanded his states be let go.

America regretted a lot of things, but in that instant when his states, his own children, were let out of that wretched closet, he was pretty sure that moment immediately shot up to one of the top 5. His states looked half-dead. Neglected, dirtied, and thin. Very thin. How long had they been cooped up in there? Not to mention the fact that a few of the states came out unconscious.

"Hey, it's okay." America had whispered, moving towards his states to soothe them. "Tell me what happened."

But none of them had opened their mouths. They had turned away, only sparing him a sad glance. America was supposed to be there for them. They had called out for his help, multiple times, only to be disappointed again and again.

America no longer had their trust.

"That settles it." POA had said after the silent rejection. America noticed how the states subtly moved away. "We'll send them back. Unless anyone has any objections?"

The states had been escorted out, and America had been left alone with his thoughts. He stood alone in the middle of the hallway, feeling numb. If he hadn't buried his heart just a few weeks before then he surely would have cried.

But he didn't.

He had a war to fight, after all.



This chapter was just to get back into writing, so that's why it was so short. I'm currently trying to connect the main plot and all the subplots together, so I don't forget about anyone.

Edit: America doesn't know that POA cut off the communication between him and his states— he thinks it was just a bad coincidence. Using the states as leverage didn't really work out as planned for POA, but it still got him what he wanted...

Thank you for reading!!

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