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"Look! Look! I made it to top 10!" Y/n exclaimed excitedly waving a list of names in the air. "Top 10 isn't enough!" "Huh? It's not?" Y/n asked clearly confused. She sat back in her comfortable chair and looked at her producer on her laptop screen. "We need to be in the number one spot. You better prepare and work hard. Or you're not gonna be in 10th place for any longer." The producer warned. "But don't you think if demon's had an idol they could relate to it'd give us more fans? Come on I've told you this before. Maybe we should try. Our music is good itself, so I don't see why we have to change my style."

"Y/n." The demon sat up straight and looked at the producer with a straight face. "Fans want, entertainment. Your request, would bore them to death." Y/n rolled her eyes. "So dancing around in a mini skirt, licking their feet like a dog is going to make them like me?" Y/n smirked angrily. "Let me tell you something Y/n." Her producer sighed laying back in his chair while fidgeting with a pen in his hand. A sudden smirk grew on his face that made Y/n's face fill with disgust.

"There's so many other demons, who are so much better than you. We could easily swap you with one of them. You have potential. If you keep your mouth shut and follow me, you'll unlock it fully." The pen slipped out of the demon's fingers which left him with a sigh. "You're like this pen." The producer started as he picked up the pen from the white tiled floor. He began by spinning the pen in his fingers smoothly.

"You see, the pen doesn't fall if you do everything right. But with one wrong move.." The producer moved his finger in the wrong direction and the pen dropped to the floor once again. "It drops." He finished looking Y/n directly in the eyes. "You get the idea."

"I do. But what is a wrong move? Hosting another show with my small but growing fan base, or completely changing who I am?" She asked eyeing the man in front of her. "That would be the first option. If we don't change your style into something a little more, let's say, trendy. Your fan base will no longer be growing, and we'll lose profit." The producer replied.

Y/n thought for a moment.

When did all this become about money?

"Producer." The demon started sitting up straight. The demon on the screen gave her a questioning look. "When did all this become about your income?" Y/n questioned clenching her knees. "'your'? It should be our income Y/n." "There was never a we." The girl replied firmly. "Music has been my passion. That's why I became an idol. Am I just some merchandise to you?" The demon asked getting out of her chair. "What a rhetorical question." The producer sighed laying his head on his hand. Her blood was boiling. She'd started training to be an idol since a lot of demons had told her she'd make a good one. Since then, she had a new goal she wanted to reach.

Y/n grew a passion for music and wanted to know more. The more she learned the more intrigued she became. Y/n was never one to learn things. Often, she thought learning was boring in general, and that it was a long, never-ending process. Though, after growing a passion for music she felt as if she could fill her head with so much knowledge about it and never get bored.

Before anything, Y/n took singing classes. She was horrible at it from the start. But, with hard work and enough motivation, she pulled through.

Even if she had a small fan base, Y/n enjoyed what she did. Her fans enjoyed her assertive nature. To them, she was so much more than just an idol. She was like the friend they never had. Even if she was kind and generous, she never allowed anyone to overstep her boundaries.

But lately, her style had changed which caused many of her original fans to leave. Even if new ones came in, it didn't feel the same.

"Y/n we're getting more fans by the minute with your new style." The producer smiled. "Then why are you telling me you could easily swap me?!" Y/n shouted grasping her computer tightly. "Because that is the truth, Y/n." The producer replied playing with his pen once again.

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