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"Hey! Hey! Levi look over here!" Y/n shouted picking up snow and molding it into a ball. Leviathan turned around and to his surprise a snow ball crashed right into his chest. "Hey-!" They were on their usual walk home from RAD. Or, Y/n's home. It had been about a month since the two met. Everyday Levi would make Y/n do an activity he had planned. He had a whole scheduled planned since day one. "Haha! Gotcha!" Y/n yelled excitedly. Leviathan also realized on the first week how hard it would be to actually get Y/n into the mood of finding her passion.

It wasn't that she was lazy. Y/n just had it in her mind that she was never going to get it back. So she felt that any form of trying was wasted time.

Leviathan wiped the snow off of his jacket and sighed. If he were to be honest, Y/n was a handful. But, he was committed to helping her. Levi found he was more energetic and he had more motivation than usual. Y/n ran up next to Leviathan and huffed, "Why can't we enjoy the snow?" "It's cold." Leviathan whined. "You're cold but I still hang around you." Y/n grumbled looking up at Levi. Leviathan looked down at her angrily. Y/n stuck her tongue out at him and laughed. "Don't worry I enjoy your company Mr.Otaku." she joked shoving her hands in her navy blue jacket pockets.

Snow was falling lightly from the dark sky. It had been everyday ever since they met. The two walked quietly next to each other enjoying the silence. Y/n memorized Levi's schedule since he doesn't always show up to RAD because he does most of it online.

They approached Y/n's apartment and unlocked the door as usual. Y/n walked inside and placed her f/c backpack on the floor. She took off her gloves and hat, and put them on a black hook which was attached to her wall. Leviathan set down his bag next to Y/n's desk and eyed a present which was on it. The box was red, with green ribbon and vertical golden strips decorating the box. Leviathan looked towards the girl who was setting her shoes down on the mat next to the door. "Who is this for?" Leviathan asked pointing at the present.

The girl turned to look at the present. "Um, that's actually for you." She said quietly. "You do know it's not Christmas yet right?" Leviathan asked as his face beamed. He actually got a present from Mystery x!

This is the best day ever!

"I know! It's just, I hate Christmas so I didn't want to give it to you on the 25th because that's stupid. Besides I had to pay you back for all the presents you gifted me during the gift exchange between fans and idols." Y/n explained taking the present in her hands. She looked at the box and handed it to him. Leviathan remembered he'd gifted her a load of things. Such as the scarf he knitted which was in her favorite color. Leviathan had also taken the time to make a her whole outfit. He had always doubted she kept them though, and thought she'd throw them away because they were from someone as useless as him. But Y/n had reassured him that she read every single one of her fans letters and kept all their gifts.

Leviathan smiled and took the present. He set it back on the desk and unwrapped it excitedly. Taking the cardboard lid off, he took a peek inside. His face lit up as he took each gift out quickly. There were three Ruri-Chan pop up cards, each with a different pose, some stickers which featured Azuki-Tan and Ruri together, a new video game console which was Ruri themed, and last but not least, a letter. Leviathan stood the pop up cards upright on Y/n's desk and looked at the letter confused.

"Don't open that until the same day two years from now." Y/n warned sitting on her desk as she admired the beauty of her pet bird. "What?! Why?" Leviathan questioned turning the letter to its backside. "Because if you read it now it won't make sense." Y/n replied with a quiet laugh. "Oh." Levi said setting it back in the box. "Thank you for the gifts. Though I think two years is a bit much no?" He smiled gratefully setting everything back inside the box carefully. Y/n shrugged but turned to look at him. She'd always admired Levi's dorky personality. Since she was an underground idol she never expected demons to stick around and at the time she didn't care, but Leviathan was there the whole time, even if she wasn't as popular he always stuck around.

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