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"So. I slept over." Y/n started as she looked down at the blankets that covered her body. "But." She paused looking up at the blood shot eyes looking at her. "Why are your brothers all staring at me?!" The former idol shouted turning to Leviathan who hid in his bathtub. Leviathan slightly moved to Y/n's shouting but didn't listen. Y/n moved her hair out of her face and attempted to straighten it out with the palm of her hand. Looking back up she looked at Lucifer who's arms were crossed as usual. He didn't look angry however. He had a confused look on his face. "You're kinda ugly when you wake up." She commented sliding out of bed.

You're one to talk.

"Leviathan slept with someone!" Asmo shouted being the first who couldn't handle the silence. He was practically floating. "But aren't they in separate beds?" Satan asked with a sigh. "Can ya even call that a bed?" Mammon questioned pointing at Leviathan's bathtub. After Asmo's announcement yesterday they all decided to sneak into Leviathan's room just to see who the woman was. To their surprise she was in the middle of his room on a water bed. Y/n sat on the floor behind Leviathan's bathtub constantly poking Leviathan so he'd wake up. "Help me out here...." Y/n whined now shaking him from whatever body part she was grabbing.

"Asmo shut up!" Belphie suggested as Asmo tried explaining in detail a fantasy that never happened between Y/n and Leviathan. Beel looked closely at Y/n. He knew he'd seen her before but couldn't remember where. Looking down at his twin he tapped his shoulder. Belphie looked up and already knew what he was thinking before asking. "You recognize her don't you?" He smiled. Beel nodded. "You know she looked different in the pictures but, that is most definitely Mystery x." Belphegor spoke.

"Oh yeah. The one with the edible pen." Beel replied as saliva dripped out of his mouth. "Edible pen?" Satan questioned staring at Y/n as if she were some new creature the devildom had made. "Still. What the hell's an idol doing in Levi's room?" Mammon asked getting impatient. Y/n shook Levi even harder. "Leviathan wake up! Wake up! I know I was an idol but the thing is I am NOT good with people anymore, wake up or I might as well die here! Leviathan! I thought we were friends." Y/n whined finally giving in and dropping to the floor. Leviathan threw the blanket off and sat up in his bathtub. His face was full of sweat and his cheeks were about as red as always. Seeing as Leviathan got up Y/n immediately got off the floor with sparkles in her eyes.

"My savior!" She joked with fake tears in the corners of her eyes. Everyone else in the room deadpanned. "Just what kind of relationship do you guys have?" Belphie questioned wishing he would of slept instead of wasting his time. Satan's gaze never seemed to falter. Leviathan noticed immediately. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't jealous about it. "Get out of my room." Leviathan groaned trying to cover Y/n from Satan's view. "Not until I get all the juicy details~!" Asmo squealed hugging himself tightly. "That's enough Asmo." Lucifer sighed. Putting a hand on his hip he looked at the two. "You can bring people over, but no funny business." Lucifer warned. Leviathan nodded quickly, realizing he was going to lose his composure in a couple seconds. "Yeah yeah just leave!" He shrieked.

After everyone left his room Leviathan deflated. He fell back onto his pillow and stared at the ceiling trying to calm himself. Y/n looked down at him and laughed. "Don't laugh at me..." Leviathan muttered as a slight smile poked at his lips. His arm covered his eyes. Y/n felt a tug at her heart. Something about seeing Leviathan smile the way he did made her heart flutter. Despite never falling for anyone, Y/n knew her feelings well enough to know she had taken more than just a liking to Leviathan. Everything he was into was suddenly becoming one of Y/n's hobbies. The way he praised her made her feel as if she was the only demon in the devildom.

"Hey Levi, would you ever date me?" Y/n asked turning her back to him and staring at his blank TV. Leviathan sat up, surprised by her question. Y/n never did ask much about things, but he thought of it as a core memory when it did happen. "Well." Leviathan thought for a moment. "Probably not." He sighed standing up and glancing at Y/n. Y/n slightly smiled. "I see." She muttered standing up herself. Y/n didn't want to ask why, even though she was curious. Perhaps he was insecure about himself for being an otaku or the other alternative of her simply not being his type. Y/n turned to him with a half hearted smile and raised her fist. "2D is better right?" Leviathan looked at her and nodded. There was something off about Y/n but he decided not to dig too deep either.

I don't want to dig my own grave with that sort of question.

Satan stared at his book trying to read. Cats roamed freely around his room, licking and grooming themselves. The demon sat on his bed, the image of Y/n abruptly bubbling into his brain every few minutes. Sighing he marked the book with a kitten themed book mark and placed it back carefully on his favorite shelf. The blonde sat on his bed lost in thought.

She must be the one Lucifer...

Satan heard one of the boards on his floor creak and snapped his head to his right. To his relief it was only a gray cat who'd jumped off his bed. Grabbing his head softly with his fingertips Satan lay back down. Remembering everything from his past made him feel anxious. That's why seeing Y/n's face froze him in his tracks. His eyes seemed to be at war with the ceiling. Living with Lucifer's memories was a pain in the ass. Brushing his hair out of his face the demon sat up once again. "That demon. The one who used to be angel. You also loved her right Lucifer?" Satan slightly laughed.

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