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"Hey, Asmo." Satan started highly invested in what was going on in the living room. "Hm~?" Asmo hummed scrolling through Devilgram. As always searching for new trends to follow. "Don't you think Levi is a bit..." "In love?" Asmo asked looking up from his phone. Satan turned to him and nodded. "I don't think I've ever seen him fidget that much." Satan commented as Levi continuously played with his fingers.

Asmo tilted his head. "No, wait. Can someone like him really fall in love?" Asmo questioned with a skeptical laugh. "Its not unlikely." Satan replied. Asmo let out a sigh. Placing his head in his hand the demon set his phone down. Admiring his brother. "Its a bit refreshing to see him so genuine about loving someone." Asmo giggled to himself. "Hold it, we don't even know if he loves her." Satan argued.

"I feel like we should be preparing for the concert." Y/n spoke as she attempted to beat the boss from Mononoke Land. She failed for the tenth time. Grasping the console tightly in anger, the demon let out a breath. "You know, one day I'm going to fling this thing across the room." Leviathan turned to her with a visible frown. "That thing was expensive you know." He scolded.

Y/n shrugged. "And Mr. Leviathan here is too broke too afford another?" She questioned obviously taunting him. "I'm not Mammon." Leviathan was quick to say. "Exactly." Y/n smirked. "That doesn't mean anything!" Leviathan whined. "Oh but it does. As far as I know you'd buy me another immediately if it broke." Leviathan blushed and angrily looked away from her. "That's not true." He said avoiding eye contact. Y/n sat up and stretched her arms upwards. "Well, you have a heart next to my name in your contacts." Y/n gushed holding her face.

"WHO TOLD YOU THAT?!" Leviathan shouted embarrassed. Y/n's eyes shifted in the direction of Satan and Asmodeus who were laughing. "Hey-!" "You should just tell me you love me already." Y/n teased the otaku who was about to melt into the carpet. "I'll only tell you that when I'm mentally ready." Levi spoke before he could think. Satan and Asmo sat in silence. Y/n simply looked up at him wondering if her ears had heard what he had just said.

"What?" Leviathan asked noticing the room had gone silent.

'I'll only tell you that when I'm mentally ready'

Leviathan took a deep breath before his entire body decided to dye itself the same color as a tomato. "So he does love her!" Satan and Asmo both shouted jumping off of the couch. Y/n acted oblivious however. "I think he meant that as a friend." Y/n replied tilting her head. "Y-Yeah! Exactly!" Leviathan agreed trying to calm himself down.

Solomon walked into Diavolo's castle. As he made his way into the living room, he felt the atmosphere change drastically. A feeling of uneasiness as well as an unidentified guilt followed him down every hall he walked through. He shook it off. A smile appearing almost on cue as he peeked into the living room Diavolo and Barbatos were sitting at. As well as, a guest he had presumed.

"Solomon welcome." Diavolo greeted allowing him to sit on the couch in front of him. As soon as Solomon sat down Diavolo's friendly expression mended into a serious one. "I take it you don't know why you're here?" He started. "No. But it seems like a very serious matter." Solomon replied. "Indeed it is." Barbatos spoke. Solomon held his smile to lighten the mood. "Who might you be?" Solomon asked the man sitting next to Diavolo.

"Do you perhaps recognize this man Solomon?" Diavolo questioned. Solomon took a good look at him. Solomon shook his head. "I don't think I've ever seen him in my life." "Is that so?" Diavolo looked at Barbatos suspiciously. "We thought you would have a clue as to who he was. You see, he used to be a human. Considering you have ties with each of the three worlds, we thought we would ask you." Diavolo pushed.

Solomon looked at the man once again. "Do you know why he became a demon?" Solomon asked crossing his legs. "According to the Little D. he had a wife, which he abused. His son murdered him, but as you can tell by that small description, he wasn't in anyway going to become an angel." Diavolo explained glancing at Tsukuyomi. 

"Why exactly is here?" Solomon asked. "You see, he had also killed his wife while abusing her. His wife however became an angel. Due to issues she had during the war between Lucifer and his father, she was casted into hell." Diavolo explained, expressing disgust in his face. "This man, Tsukuyomi, found out about this. So he followed her every move. When the time came, he held her hostage and used, unusually powerful magic." Barbatos eyed Solomon, hoping he would get him to crack.

"Then how did you guys restrain him?" Solomon kept asking questions, avoiding Barbatos's piercing gaze. "Y/n a demon used the tactics she learned from fighting in the same war as his wife. She is very skilled. Though, she did describe his magic as unusually powerful. According to her the force of this magic felt as if it was being supplied by another powerful demon."

That girl Leviathan is always with.

"How did Y/n enter the home?" Barbatos became impatient but held his act together. "Y/n is an artist. She is in a duo with Leviathan. Tsukuyomi's wife was the one organizing their upcoming concert. Though, upon Y/n's arrival, all they found was Tsukuyomi and not his wife. Realizing something was wrong she had made it in time to respond to his wife's screams for help." Solomon nodded. Diavolo noticed Barbatos's annoyance was starting to build up.

"So Solomon, would you recognize the strange magic if it were presented in front of you?" Diavolo asked. Solomon thought for a moment. "If its extremely powerful I would probably have to research it for a few days. There's a limit to how much magic your body can actually handle. There's a high chance that this magic wasn't unusually powerful, and it was an over exaggeration." Solomon explained

"Do you really not recognize Tsukuyomi, Solomon?" Barbatos asked. His arms now crossed. "I can assure you I do not." Solomon replied quickly. Barbatos smirked.

"Then let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?"

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