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Asmo held his soft cheek in his hands, impatiently tapping his finger on the wooden counter. "You can't say it like that, make if more convincing." Asmo suggested. Leviathan sighed and turned back around to the mirror, his cheeks flushed. "Y/n, I love you." He spoke into the mirror his embarrassment only growing. "No, no, no, no, its too soon to say something like that don't you think?" Asmo question pushing himself up off the office chair he'd been sitting on. It had only been a few days since Asmo offered to help Leviathan. However, it felt as if they weren't getting anywhere. "Are you sure you have a plan, Asmo?" The shy demon shrugged now being the one to sit in a chair.

"I have a plan I just want to make sure you get the words out properly." Asmo tapped a finger on his chin. Laying his head down on the counter, Leviathan closed his eyes.

I've never been able to convey my feelings properly to anyone. Not even my own brothers. I wonder, maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe my mind is protecting me, and is making me second guess. No, that can't be. I'm just afraid of the rejection. That's probably it.

I mean...

Leviathan opened his eyes, then quickly closed them tight.

Y/n is like a dream. Her eyes shine brighter than everyone else's it seems like. Every time I look into them it feels as though I'm being sucked in. She takes to me to a new place. The scent of her hair and her smile are all that accompany me when I'm alone. She's like my very own sun. But I'm not the moon, I'm not even a planet. Nor a star. I'm just a piece of debris, forever stuck in space. Never able to reach her. 

Opening his eyes he saw Asmo peering over at him. "What were you thinking about just now?" Asmo asked with a smile. "None of your business." Leviathan groaned turning his head avoiding Asmo. "I'm asking because of how genuine you looked." Leviathan lifted his head. "You know maybe its better not to do this. I'd rather die loving her without her knowing than live with her rejecting me." The air in the room suddenly changed immensely. Asmo pondered on what to say.

"You don't know that, Levi." Asmo calmly spoke. "I do know that!" Leviathan shouted slightly making Asmo jump. "Maybe its so easy for you to go on and just ask. You have looks, you have the personality, you have EVERYTHING! You have everything anyone could ever want, anything I could ever want, you will never understand that feeling Asmo! Everyone is always all over you, everyone is always talking about how great you are, how pretty you are, how talented you are. No one ever says nice things about me, they all think I'm an obsessive creep, a weak untalented nobody! A disgusting, filthy and useless otaku who deserves nothing!" Leviathan stopped to catch his breath. Wiping at his eyes aggressively. "I don't have a chance with anyone, much less with someone as beautiful and talented as Y/n." Leviathan was quick to exit the room and slam the door shut.

Asmo sighed, looking down at his phone. Pressing the stop button on the recording he sighed. "You may think I have everything, Levi. But I really don't."

A week later.

"Ahhhh I'm so nervous Levi." Y/n spoke childishly clinging onto one of Leviathan's arms. "What?! If you're nervous we're doomed." He slouched, visibly turning even more pale than he already was. Y/n composed herself and took a deep breath. "We still have about an hour." She pointed to the clock on the wall. Their rehearsal's were done surprisingly early and with no difficulties. "Do you want to go grab a bite?" Y/n suggested smiling at Levi. His heart jumped and he looked away. 

Y/n looked at him and then took him by the arm. "We can go back to my apartment if you don't want to go out." She smiled innocently. Leviathan looked at her and nodded. Once arriving Y/n slipped her jacket off, setting her keys on the counter. Leviathan however kept his jacket on. "Hmm, we should have a snack or we'd be too full to perform." Leviathan let out a light laugh. "Yeah, you'd fall asleep on the stage." Y/n smiled hoping he was in a better mood. After finding a snack they sat in silence on Y/n's couch. Leviathan took a few glances at Y/n now and again.

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