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Y/n woke up to the noises of a video game and buttons being moved by fingers on a console. She stared at the ceiling for some time, feeling a pain in her head.

Great. I think I have a headache.

Y/n groaned and turned to where the noises were coming from. Leviathan sat on a backwards chair facing her. His console was sitting in between his hands and the board of the chair. He had a determined look on his face and was slightly sweating. Y/n sighed quietly and decided to wait until he finished his game.

The demon thought back to before she had fallen asleep. The last thing she saw was Levi's cardigan and her face feeling comfortably warm. It was the same warmth she'd felt whenever she would hug Zimri. The touch of an angel, how Y/n would describe it.

"Y/n?" Leviathan asked with his head slightly tilted. Y/n turned to him and smiled. "Why are you still here?" She questioned sitting up. The blanket hung on her shoulder, and touched the floor. "I figured I'd give you some company while you were asleep, so, so I decided to stay." Leviathan nervously replied as his palms began sweating and his face burned in red.

"Are you sure you should be hanging around me?" Y/n asked looking towards her door. Leviathan stood up and questioned, "What do you mean by that?" Y/n sighed and picked up the blanket, which was no longer touching the ground. "Lucifer doesn't want me anywhere near you. Remember?"

Leviathan looked at the floor. "Yeah, I know. But you're no longer the same person. I explained that to him. I don't know if I changed his mind but, he let me walk away." Leviathan replied with his console in hand.

Y/n sighed and stood up only to fall back on the bed. "Y/n?!" Levi yelled loudly, that's when a punch was heard on the other side of the wall. "Stop yelling!" The demon yelled grumbling. "Ah, it seems I stood up too fast." Y/n laughed staring at the ceiling. Leviathan sighed in relief. Then it hit him that Y/n wasn't healthy in the slightest.

"Leviathan why don't we go to the house of lamentation?" Y/n suddenly suggested. "What?! No way." Leviathan argued shaking his head violently. Y/n stood up from the bed and moved her h/c hair out of her face. "You've been spending your days coming over to my place. I'm sure you miss your room and Henry." She smiled.


Leviathan's cheeks were suddenly blown up in red again. "N-no! You can't my annoying brothers are there and they're definitely going to embarrass me the second they get the chance t-there's no way!" The demon protested. "I think you're quite cute Leviathan." Y/n complimented. Leviathan stopped moving and simply stared. "Wha- will you stop lying?!"

Y/n sighed and leaned against her desk. "I knew you'd say that." Leviathan looked at Y/n with a look of surprise. "In the time we've known each other I've realized some things about you." Y/n started. Leviathan listened closely. "You're an otaku, but everyone knows that. You get shunned about it all the time. When we talked I noticed how you would stop talking about your interests for a couple weeks, you think you're annoying right?" Y/n questioned giving Leviathan a comforting look.

Leviathan simply looked at the ground not being able to form words. "Leviathan sit down." The demon instructed walking over and sitting on the floor next to Levi who was making himself comfortable. "Leviathan, I found a sort of comforting quality in you. I know what it's like to be all alone, maybe it's just me, but for some reason you had such a sad aura." Y/n looked at Levi who was already turned in her direction. "You hate yourself that much?" Y/n asked giving Leviathan a sad look.

"You're so insecure, but if I'm being honest you're probably the most genuine person I've met. I find it cute how you find comfort in animals, even if it is a little sad looking deeper into it. You managed to crack me open. Unlike everyone else who makes me feel like I'm walking on eggshells, you make feel relaxed enough to tell you things." Y/n complimented with a giggle.

Leviathan had his face in his knees buried deep. No one had ever complimented him like that. "I know you've felt the weight of loneliness for so long more than anyone else. But, of course there's always the fear of being abandoned right?" Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat. Leviathan simply sniffled.

"Leviathan if it isn't too much to ask for, can we always remain at each other's side?" Y/n asked looking at Leviathan who slowly raised his head. "Are you actually serious? Someone as useless as me? This isn't just some sick joke is it?" He questioned still having the fear in his head and the faucets in his eyes threatening to open.

"I'm not lying Leviathan I promise you. You don't see anyone else caring for me do you? Just like you, I'm scared to let anyone in. You're the only demon I can put my trust into." Leviathan didn't reply and simply hid his face into his knees again. "I won't pressure you Leviathan." Y/n smiled.

Y/n was still lost trying to recover her concealed identity but, she took talking to someone about her past as progress. "Leviathan even if I never find myself again, I'll always remember and thank you for trying." Y/n laughed softly.

Y/n saw Leviathan's shoulders shaking and she knew he was crying.

Y/n reached out to Leviathan and sat on her knees. She hugged him and placed one of her hands gently on the back of his head. Leviathan's head now rested on Y/n's shoulders. Leviathan clenched his teeth together not wanting to cry in front of his idol. "Don't drown in your loneliness anymore." Y/n whispered. Leviathan couldn't hold in his tears anymore.

He cried into Y/n's shoulder and muffled his cries with his hand. Y/n felt bad for Leviathan, but she'd never tell anyone something like that out of pity. Y/n knew what it felt like to have no one at your side and fearing getting too attached, after all she had lived it. "You don't have to muffle your cries. Cry all you want, you don't have to bottle it up in fear anymore Levi, or else you'll lose yourself too."

Leviathan immediately started sobbing loudly. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat and patted his head.

You really bottled up so much Leviathan. You didn't have to help me, but I'm glad you did.

By the time Leviathan had stopped crying he had fallen asleep. Y/n laid him gently on the floor and brought over a pillow and a blanket. The demon then felt his forehead. "Looks like I'm the one who's going to take care of you." She laughed.

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