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"I told you I didn't want you near him didn't I?" Lucifer questioned Y/n just outside Leviathan's room. Y/n stared at the floor not replying. "Stay away from him or it won't go well for you." Lucifer threatened in his demon form. "Do you think that if I left Leviathan, do you think it'd be good for him?" Y/n asked looking up at Lucifer.

Lucifer raised a brow and looked down on Y/n. "Ever since I disappeared the only person who tried to find me was Leviathan. From the point of view of others he may just seem like an obsessed fan, but it seemed like he was actually worried. He told me I brought him happiness, and that he'd stay no matter how many of my fans left. He kept his promise. I don't care if he stays for his own benefit, I just want someone to acknowledge me." Y/n looked up at Lucifer with an annoyed look. "Not even you, who's respected among everyone in the Devildom cared for my well-being. You've known me for such a long time and yet, the only one you ever bother thinking about is the traitor Zimri!" Y/n shouted completely out of breath.

Lucifer looked at Y/n as if she was an insignificant item. While it was true he did often think about Zimri, he couldn't help but hold a grudge against Y/n even if it didn't seem logical. Y/n was staring at Lucifer angrily. She wanted to strangle him, but that would send her to jail, and even if she tried she'd get beat in an instant. "Fine. I'll stay away from him. You'll see on your own. If I hadn't taken a blow for you you'd be dead. But I guess you don't appreciate it. I wish I would've died when I took that blow." The last sentence is what surprised Lucifer. His face however stayed the same.

"If I see you anywhere near Leviathan I will punish you in a way no demon, no matter how strong has no chance of survival." Lucifer threatened again. "You're the most troublesome out of everyone Lucifer." Y/n replied dully and walked away.

There was no chance of me ever performing again anyway. Right, it doesn't mean I should throw away my friendship with Leviathan, but Lucifer isn't going to back down, then I'll actually die. If I die by Lucifer's hand I'll disappear from here as a soul.

Y/n snorted and unlocked her door. For some reason it felt weird not having Leviathan tagging along behind her. Y/n was so used to hearing the footsteps behind her along the way. "I wonder how long I can continue before losing my head." Y/n muttered walking into her apartment. Y/n sat on her bed and pulled out the letter she'd written to Leviathan. She'd taken it while she lay Leviathan in his bathtub.

There was no point in the letter anymore. "I thought he could really help me. If Lucifer was blurred out of the picture I'm sure his enthusiasm would've rubbed off on me. But, of course someone or something always has to get in between me and her. Y/n read the letter and sighed. Something about the letter made Y/n regret ever meeting Leviathan. The reason wasn't hatred, it was that he pushed her to move on. "Why did you encourage me?" Y/n questioned in a low voice. The quietness scared Y/n's neighbor. Y/n was lost in thought when her neighbor knocked on the wall. Being pissed off the demon threw her D.D.D. at the wall startling her neighbor. "I will never worry about you again!" He shouted. "Seems accurate enough." Y/n said quietly.

The demon looked around her room, it had been cleaned up by Leviathan. He didn't mind picking up her room, he found it exciting and in his words 'a once in a lifetime opportunity'. Y/n smiled at the memory of Leviathan smiling at one of the outfits she'd worn at a show. "Leviathan once told me feelings were important in a song. Everyone who's ever tried to write a song would know that. But I've always wondered what my feelings would sound like in a song. I never got that chance as an idol." Y/n lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

Normally Leviathan would be playing video games with her or arguing with her over who was better, Azuki-Tan or Ruri Chan. That was a debate that was never settled.

Leviathan woke up in his bathtub. He was confused for the most part. All he remembered was crying and Y/n hugging him. He blushed as soon as he remembered. As he got up a damp towel fell onto his lap. "Did I really pass out from blushing again?" He questioned now even more embarrassed. Lucifer knocked on his door and let himself in before Leviathan could even walk out of his bathtub.

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