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"Exchange students?" Y/n muttered. The teacher gave an announcement before starting class about Diavolo's idea of having an exchange program. Featuring two students from each of the three worlds. In Diavolo's words, "I want demons, angels, and humans, to live in peace and harmony."

Peace and harmony. More like pieces and hellmony.

Y/n snorted at the thought. But then she really thought about it.

Exchange program. Students. Three worlds. This can't..

Y/n got anxious at the thought of exchange students. But it wasn't the exchange students from the human world she was worried about. She was worried about the exchange students from the Celestial Realm. The teacher changed the subject.


Y/n looked up at the teacher and glared. Was he playing a joke on her? He hated her guts and loved seeing her in despair, so it was a possibility. Y/n didn't cross it off of her mind. Though, she didn't feel like starting an argument either.

Leviathan didn't show up to RAD today, as his schedule was changed.

Now I have no one to distract myself with.

Y/n sighed. At this point in the year, she hated seductive speech craft. It used to be easy. But now, she was starting to find it hard to talk in front of the class, or in front of a lot of demons at once. She felt she was fading away more and more each day. Life was close to having no meaning. Through Y/n's eyes, the string of hope she'd held onto was starting to slip out of her hands. Even if she had someone helping her, sometimes she couldn't bring herself to get out of bed. Not even for Leviathan.

Y/n had fun hanging out with him despite all that, and constantly changed her way of seeing things, but after awhile a dark cloud of torment is all she can bare to see. A torment of memories, and feelings of guilt, with a hint of hopelessness.

After class was over, Y/n stood outside. As usual she saw the familiar enthusiastic demon standing out in the cold waiting for her. She smiled seeing him. "Y/n! You're finally out." Leviathan whined attempting to warm up his arms by rubbing them up and down with his hands. It was January, but the cold hadn't faded away. Y/n kicked a pile of mush on the ground. "Y/n, I decided that today we'll go to karaoke." Leviathan smiled at the demon, who simply looked at him perplexed. "Why karaoke..?" She asked in a low tone.

They walked up the stairs together, Leviathan didn't stop trying to convince her on going to karaoke. "Come on please! Please! Please?! I won't ask ever again!" Leviathan pleaded as Y/n unlocked her door with a sigh. "Can we just hang out for a bit before going?" Y/n asked as her cheeks became filled with heat. She knew why. But she'd never tell him in the state she was in at the moment. "Okay that works too." Leviathan smiled entering the apartment after Y/n.

Y/n sat on her desk after putting her stuff away. "Hey Leviathan. Is it true there's going to be exchange students from all three realms?" She questioned fidgeting with the pink button on her jacket. "Oh right. They gave that announcement today. It's true, you shouldn't worry about it too much." Leviathan replied pulling out his D.D.D.

"Don't worry about it huh..." Y/n mumbled feeling more anxious than she was before.

But I can't face her. I don't want to face her.

"Levi, do you know who the exchange students will be?" Y/n asked in a slightly brittle voice. "From the human world I only know of one, which is Solomon. From the Celestial Realm I was told it was gonna be Simeon and Luke." Leviathan replied looking at Y/n. She seemed relieved in a way.

"Are you okay?" Leviathan asked. He saw her attitude change more and more each day. Her guilty eyes never went away, and she always seemed on the edge whenever they talked about the Celestial Realm.

"That's my problem!" Y/n raised her voice in anger. Leviathan didn't know how to react or what to say. Y/n walked up to Levi firmly and looked at him angrily. "I envy you demons who can fake their emotions! I envy you demons who can hide their emotions!"

"Y/n what are you saying-" "Just look at me Levi! I'm a mess! With one look you and everyone else can tell something just isn't right, right?!" Y/n shouted on the verge of tears. Leviathan knew it was true, but he just couldn't bring himself to say something. Y/n looked at Levi until he didn't say anything. She looked at the ground as her shoulders shook from trying to hold back her crying. She didn't want to cry. But her feelings became so overwhelming to the point where she couldn't hear anything but her thoughts. The dark cloud of torment was passing through again, but this time it was thicker.

"I just want to go back to the days where no one could tell what I was feeling! To the days w-where I'd be so caught up in the music my thoughts were nonexistent!" Y/n began shouting with tears streaming down her nose from the position she was in. "Now I'm nothing but miserable, I want to be confident again! But why can't I be?! and the only things I can hear are all the voices in my head in a chaotic melody screaming at me! "Look at how worthless you've become!" "It's your fault!" "Zimri! Zimri!Zimri!" "Everything is hopeless!" "No one cares anymore!" "If you want to die so bad then go ahead and die!" Why can't they just all go away?!" Y/n yelled, her voice cracking here and there.

The demon clenched her teeth tightly trying not to cry loudly. Leviathan looked at her worriedly and on the edge of tears himself. He didn't know what to say. He was never good at comforting others. Leviathan felt he'd say the wrong thing if he tried.

Come on Levi think! You can't just let her cry all alone like this, say something you useless idiot!

"H-hey Levi.." Y/n suddenly spoke in a brittle voice. Y/n looked up at Leviathan, "Is there any meaning to this anymore?"

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