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"You sincerely are the light of my life." Zimri stared in horror in front of her door. Her ex husband looked at her with an evil smirk and a crazed look in his eyes. "I told you I'd find you, Zimri." Zimri covered her mouth as the memories from her past life began to flow. She felt herself become nauseated. "Get out of here." Zimri spoke avoiding looking into his eyes. This only made the man's blood boil. "Talking back? Did you forget your place?" As he took a step inside Zimri's house, Zimri wrapped her arms around him.

Surprised, he paused. "Seems you don't need to be put in your place." He slowly wrapped his arms around her and stood there for a moment. "Yeah, I know my place Tsukuyomi." Suddenly Zimri picked him up and threw him over her shoulder. The ground shook with the impact. Zimri turned around and looked down at him. "What were you doing while I was fighting wars?" Zimri asked. Tsukuyomi looked up at Zimri angrily. "You're so not going to get away!" Tsukuyomi shouted grabbing her foot. Zimri stepped on his arm, making sure her heel stabbed it in the process.

Screaming in pain Tsukuyomi tried to get back up. His arm was bleeding and Zimri refused to back down. "Ah this takes me back." Zimri sighed looking down at Tsukuyomi sadly. "I still remember the first thing you ever did to hurt me." Tsukuyomi held his arm. "It was out of love." He said as a disgusting smile played on his lips. Zimri looked down at him with a scrunched up nose. "But, I'm not done with you just yet." Tsukuyomi suddenly spoke. "What are you talking abou-!" A blow was sent to Zimri's face. Falling on her back she held her nose and sat up quickly. "Got weak huh? I remember you used to knock me out with one hit." Zimri taunted.

Her stomach churned the more she thought of the past, however. Seeing Tsukuyomi in the Devildom felt almost unrealistic. "Your soul is truly putrid." Zimri spat lifting herself off the ground. "Say, how did you find me? By stalking perhaps? My that's a very lowlife thing to do." Zimri continued.

Tsukuyomi began laughing. Zimri raised an eyebrow. "I've followed your every move since you were the head of the company that produced Mystery x." Zimri sighed. "Oh and your little idol just so happened to give me your address." Zimri's head began to spin.

Y/n did?

Clearing her throat she looked at Tsukuyomi with a dissapointed look. "Do you expect me to believe that?" She questioned walking behind Tsukuyomi. "Hmm well.." Tsukuyomi reached into his jacket and pulled the piece of paper Y/n had given him. Turning around the despicable man held it out for Zimri to take. Zimri hesitantly reached out to take the paper in her hands. Being afraid that it was only a trap she quickly scanned it and crumpled it up.

"That is her hand writing indeed." Zimri spoke.

There's no way Y/n could have known who he was. Knowing her she probably didn't think much of it. It's not her fault that he's here now.

"Why did you come here?" Zimri asked looking up at the man she once loved. "Isn't that obvious?" Tsukuyomi asked with a disturbing grin. "To reclaim what's mine." He spoke sending shivers down Zimri's back. It had been years, since she'd heard those words. As Zimri looked back, she knew exactly where everything had started.

"Zimri, you'll be late for school darling." Her mother spoke as she brushed the girls bed hair. "Mmm I don't care..." Zimri mumbled half asleep. Her mother lightly hit her cheek. "Ow.." "Well you should." Her mother sighed. "Come on, down you go." She spoke quickly helping Zimri off of the the stool. Zimri tiredly grabbed her backpack off the floor as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. "Have a nice day honey." Her mother smiled sweetly. Zimri simply exited the house and began walking to school. Her mother's eyes changed to cold ones. "That child.."

I believe I was around 14 or 15 at the time.

Zimri wasn't very fond of school. Nothing in particular happened which made her dislike it, she just felt it was too long and boring. Well, nothing had happened. Until the monsters decided to come out.

Zimri walked into class, sitting down in her chair as usual. She listened for any source of entertainment. Looking out the window she stared at her reflection. The dark circles under her eyes were the first thing she caught a glimpse of. Closing her eyes she turned back to face the front of the classroom only to let out a sigh. The classroom was beginning to fill with noisy teenagers. Empty chairs were now occupied by students.

The teacher walked in, everything sounded like gibberish to Zimri who didn't seem to be paying any attention. The teacher quickly noted that she wasn't. Taking a mental note a small smirk played on his lips.

After class Zimri began packing her things. Just as she was about to walk out of the classroom the teacher walked over to her and lightly tapped her shoulder. The girl turned around with a confused look on her face. "There's something I need to go over with you. It'll only be a minute." He spoke softly. Zimri nodded and walked back into the classroom. It was only after the teacher had locked the door that she became increasingly suspicious.

Zimri kept her distance as the teacher sat on his desk. "What is it?" She questioned getting a bit impatient. "I've noticed that your mind seems to be elsewhere while I am teaching." He spoke looking her up and down in a way that made her uncomfortable. "Yeah, well if your lectures weren't excruciatingly boring maybe I'd be more open to paying even a sliver of attention." Zimri spat. "Ah, talking back eh? Do you know what happens to naughty little girls?" The way he spoke was enough to make Zimri vomit. "Do you know what happens to revolting predators like you?" Zimri questioned angrily.

The teacher became impatient and forcefully grabbed Zimri by her shoulders. Her things dropped to the floor with a loud thud. "Hey! Let me go!" Zimri shouted as the teacher picked her up and threw her against his desk. Zimri felt her spine almost snap. As the teacher pulled down her pants Zimri kicked and punched him as hard she could. But the strength difference was too much. Zimri shouted as loud as she could hoping someone would hear her. Tears overflowed in her eyes. But no one came. She was alone. She was terrified. Her innocence was being stripped.

"Zimri?" Her mother asked as she peeked her head into her room. Zimri stared blankly at the wall, not wanting to open her mouth. She had already threw up various times. She had ran into the shower with her clothes on the second she got home. Her mother worriedly walked over to her. Sitting on her bed, she put a hand on her shoulder. Startling Zimri. "Oh its just you.." Zimri muttered, her thoughts immediately going back to the horrible assault earlier. "Are you okay?" The mother asked as Zimir's face became paler than usual. Breathing heavily, Zimri decided to tell her mom. Even if she was embarrassed. She didn't want it to happen again.

"Ma, I was raped." Zimri spoke as her voice quivered. "What?" Her mother stared at her. "Z-Zimri stop playing around." Her mother laughed. Zimri quickly turned to her. "What? B-but I'm not I s-swear." Zimri replied as tears began to fill her eyes. "Oh honey if you want attention you can just ask." Her mother smiled embracing her in a hug. "But! Mom! I was raped I'm not saying this for attention, why- why don't you believe me?!" Zimri shouted pushing her mother away. Now standing looking down at her mom, Zimri saw it. Her mother really didn't care. "Considering how disrespectful you've become you probably deserved it." She spoke the light from her eyes no longer shining like before.

Zimri let her tears fall out as she stared at her mother. The only person she could really trust. "Don't cry about it now. Think about your actions." She coldly spat as the woman stood up and began walking out of the girls room. As the door closed Zimri lay on her bed and covered herself with as many blankets as she could.

"I hate you all."

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