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"So um, what was that?" Leviathan asked as Y/n stared blankly out of her window. Leviathan crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Y/n shrugged her shoulders and continued to stare out the window. "I guess we better give an announcement." Y/n sighed logging in to her laptop. "Hey wait." Leviathan said quickly putting his hand on Y/n's keyboard. Y/n stared at his hand and sighed. "What now?" The demon asked in an angry tone.

"Why didn't you let her apologize?" Leviathan asked in a worried tone. Y/n smacked Leviathan's hand off her keyboard gently. "That's none of your business. Plus who the hell knows if she meant it." Y/n posted the announcement on Devilgram and logged out almost immediately. "You don't have to be here. Go home, play games. I'll call if I need your assistance." Y/n spoke quietly. Leviathan stood in silence. Y/n stood up off the chair and looked up at him. "Don't worry, I'm just a bit shaken up is all." She tried to reassure.

"Are you sure?" Leviathan questioned. Y/n nodded. Before Leviathan could argue with her a knock was heard on her door. "I better get that." Y/n walked over to her door, opening it. A mysterious man with a black mustache and straight short hair looked at her. "Hello, I'm looking for a Ms. Koyuki, might you know where she lives?" The man asked. Y/n looked back inside at Leviathan. "Who might you be?" Y/n asked getting a bad feeling in her gut.

"I had arranged a meeting with her today but I can't seem to find her." The man said with a visibly confused look on his face. He had a piece of paper in his hand he seemed to be looking at. "Is the address on there?" Y/n asked pointing at the piece of paper. The man nodded. Handing Y/n the piece of paper. "That's a completely wrong address." She muttered. Y/n went back inside and grabbed a piece of paper from a notebook lying on her desk and a pen. She wrote down the address quickly and gave it to the man.

"Thank you young lady." He smiled and walked off. Y/n slammed her door shut as shivers went down her body. "That guy was sketchy as hell." She said looking at Levi. "Was he now?" He asked walking over to her. "You can't tell me he wasn't." Y/n said. "More importantly since when are you such a good actor?" Leviathan questioned. "Since the beginning of time I suppose." She replied quickly avoiding the conversation.

"Anyways, you should leave. Its pretty late and I don't need another restraining order from your mother." Y/n laughed. "You truly are something." Leviathan muttered as Y/n made her way over to her bed. "But you love me no?" She asked. Only this time Levi didn't blush, he didn't have a reaction to her flirting like usual. Y/n suddenly felt stupid and shut her mouth before she said anything else. Turning to her window again she spoke in a quiet voice. "You really should go."

Leviathan opened the door without another word and left. Y/n let herself fall onto her bed and began sobbing. "Why were you apologizing? It wasn't, none of it, none of this, nothing was ever your fault." Y/n gulped and held onto the bed sheets tightly. "I was knee deep in my fake little world and hurt myself in return. I knew and yet I still blinded myself with all those lies." Y/n muffled her loud sobs by shoving her face into her pillow. "I blamed you for everything, for the longest time I always thought you deserved to be a demon. But it was my fault more than anyone else's. I thought I could move on after all these years. Its been years so why do I feel so guilty now?" Y/n sniffled and turned her head. On her desk was a thank you letter from Leviathan.

Leviathan had gifted it to her on New Years along with a matching bracelet. Y/n sat up. Moving her messy hair out of the way. Grabbing the thank you letter she read it again. She hoped she'd feel better but she only felt worse, much worse. Tearing up again she set the letter on her desk. "I don't deserve it. Any of it. I ruined my own life so why did I drag Leviathan along with me? Why did he even bother to stay?" There was a reason behind Y/n wanting to make music anonymously. Y/n didn't want to be recognized. The demon didn't want to be characterized by anything.

She didn't want to be seen. She wanted to be in the shadows. Her idol self was nothing more but a facade to the boring colorless demon she'd become. "It's my fault for not being able to move on. It's my fault for fabricating my entire life in hopes of it becoming a reality. What am I even doing?" Y/n asked as her hands shook. Y/n put her arms on her desk and lay her head down. "I'm talking to myself like a loser. Maybe if I weren't so stupid." Y/n muttered. "Maybe I'd know better."

"Mmm thanks to that clueless idiot I now can start my revenge. Zimri, Lapis. You're dead."

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