3: It Began.

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My heart keeps on pounding uncontrollably. I don't know but I felt sorry with what I did to her but it's just a normal reaction when some stranger did acted physical to you right?

Her eyes... Face and voice were all too familiar but I can't say that I know her. Maybe my heart was reacting like this because I'm nervous? Threatened to be harassed by someone?... But she doesn't look like will hurt me..

She's so pretty... But gosh, I slapped her and now I'm feeling terribly sorry even though I think I did just right.

But she called me by my name and... Why am I feeling like this?

Letting a deep breath out feeling so frustrated, I found my way to work.

Thankfully my co-worker who's too observant with our arrival was busy since our boss gave her something important to do, so my worries quickly faded as I sat at my desk and do my work for today.

Time goes on but the uneasiness stayed. I can't focus with my work and just stared on my computer as I fiddle my fingers on the pendant of my necklace.

"Why.. how did she know my name?" I whispered to myself, not noticing I'm already knitting my brows. "Did I heard it wrong or maybe she was mistaken... But it's the name I haven't used for a long time..."

Her hold on me.. It was like she's too used on holding me that I felt fine.. shocked, yes, but not terrified.

Too confused with unanswered questions, I folded my arms and placed it on the table as I rest the side of my head on it, closing my eyes for some peace.

"Shit" I mumbled and quickly opened my eyes, coming back on sitting properly as I remembered how she called my name.

'Is it possible to like someone at first sight?' I questioned myself but chuckled at my silliness. 'well.. she's pretty and looks kind..'

'No she suddenly hugged me, touched me like she's a pro and it made me uncomfor-- it's so warm..' I shook my head at the thought, fighting not to smile. 'she must be a pervert'.

I unconsciously smiled so wide. 'A pretty pervert'.


Maybe I'm looking like a dumb worker, grinning while staring at my computer that when I glanced at my side, my co-workers were looking at me wierdly that made me feel so embarrassed I hid my self at my station.

I shrugged these thoughts off and tried to focus on working with my proposals.

Soon, working hours was over and we were told that we'll have a team dinner for tonight and everyone was delighted since it'll be our boss' treat for his workers and if they said that it is a treat.. it'll be somewhere fancy, something delicious and I admit, I enjoy free foods the most.

Beomgyu offered me a ride but the other employees might think of something else if they see us going together so I refused.

As expected, it was a luxurious restaurant and I may be used to this kind of atmosphere but I'm quite impressed with their choice.

"Order what you want, just a little thank you for my hard working staffs.." He said in all smiles as he sat at the center where he can see everyone. "Or since we're outside the office, I'll just regard everyone as my friends".

He's really nice for someone who's living with such wealth. He always make sure that his employees were being treated fairly and receives the salary that we deserve. He may still be young like me, but he handles everything maturely and really professional.

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