27. Keep Trying.

396 29 11

3rd POV

Next day, Yeji found herself alone. Back was a bit sore with the position she slept in at the kitchen.

Her cut was healing but the food on the side is what affected her the most.

Thinking of the action of the whiskered towards her last night, she smiled as she felt that deep within that frozen heart, Ryujin was still caring for her.

Worried that the other may woke up anytime soon starving, she set aside the thought that her effort of making their breakfast would be useless and instead proceed on making a new one.

She made a simple pancake with the whiskered, running in her my mind and then proceed on tidying things up at the living room since she got no room to sleep while she spends her time at the house... Or so she believes.

After finding nothing else to do, she decided to wash up and maybe, making sure that she looks better whenever she's in front of the other.

The person who's been leaning on the other side of the closed door, listening on anything that's been happening down stairs.

No one knows if she got any sleep. Some time after she laid on her bed last night, she tried to close her eyes but soon found herself standing at the staircase, watching the sleeping brunette at the kitchen.

Sure, she had seen the almost cold meal on the side but the urge to carry her person to give her a much comfortable rest is what she thought of the most. But still..

She turned around and walked back to her room to stare at her ceiling some more.

Now, hearing no faint sounds from downstairs, Ryujin assumed that Yeji might be in the bathroom so slowly, she got up and had her way to the kitchen.

Water was heard running inside the bathroom while the whiskered faces the stove, cooking a ramen she found in a cabinet that she knows was not there before the brunette arrived.

After, Ryujin didn't mind to get a bowl and take a seat but just started to devour the food she made on the same pot while standing.

She was fine, at least trying to enjoy a food that most likely will be the only thing she'll eat for the entire day, until she heard a door opened and she knows... Who is coming.

Yeji was drying her hair with a towel when she step in at the kitchen, a plate of pancake sitting alone on the table caught her attention but not the most.

It was a back of the person she's been waiting who seems to be eating something else.

Instead of feeling sad, she tried to feel fine for at least, Ryujin was already eating.

With that, she walks closer to the whiskered and stand beside her, glancing at the half empty pot before on the other's face.

Wearing those smile as if nothing was wrong with them.

"Yeah, I'm craving some ramen too" she said on full smile while still standing on Ryujin's side. "I think that's the best brand..." She followed, seeing an empty pack of ramen on the side.

She shouldn't have waited for a response, or even hoped to have a proper conversation with the whiskered.

Ryujin did was to place down her chopsticks and stopped eating.

Yeji could feel that she had done messed up something but she keeps on trying. "Do you want me to buy some side dishes? It'll go well wi--"

"Can you please stop" Ryujin spoke before turning around, them, still standing side by side.

"Hey.. you haven't finished your food" Yeji said, voice was now lowered.

A second before Ryujin replied. "I lost my appetite".

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