Chapter Five

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I find myself growing bored after training this morning. I have already bathed and eaten breakfast and it is barely 11am. When my breakfast was delivered, I found another note along with it in Kenton's writing, letting me know what time I was to go to dinner. I have about eight hours until then, with nothing to do in this boring castle.

Finally having enough of my boredom, I tread my way over to Hudson's room to talk to him. If he's even in his room, that is. What do princes do in the middle of the day anyway?

I knock on his door and he opens it within seconds. Apparently they do nothing.

He smiles at me, opening the door wider to let me step inside. "What are you doing here?" He asks me.

I look around his room to see that not much has changed since I'd last been here. Though the boyish decorations are gone, the furniture and layout are still the same.

"I'm unbelievably bored. I need someone to talk to." I express, probably more dramatically than needed.

I plop down on his couch, throwing my feet up to rest on the other side. He laughs at my dramatic state, picking up my feet to sit down, then laying them back down on his lap.

"How was your first day of training?" He questions, rubbing the knots out of my feet. I bite back a groan as he does this, my feet are surprisingly sore from training.

"I managed to kick your brother's ass. He made the mistake of underestimating me." I smirk.

"Glad to hear you put him in his place" He laughs, "What about your abilities?"

"I was able to summon them a lot easier than I thought I would, but I haven't tried to do anything with them yet." I sigh.

I'm greatly proud of myself for what I'd accomplished, but the uncertainty of what I can do still scares me.

"I'm proud of you, Adi," He smiles at me.

That sentence alone makes me want to burst into tears and embrace him, but I hold back. Instead I smile back at him.

"Are you aware of Kenton abilities?" I ask, needing a change in subject.

He notices my attempt, but goes along with it anyway. That's one of many things I've always admired about him. If I don't want to talk about something, he never pushes me to talk about it. He knows if I want to talk, I'll talk.

"I am aware, yes. Though I'm surprised he told you about them. Only a select few are permitted to know. If word got out that the next King of Narva was supernatural, there'd be many kingdoms out for his head in fear that he'd be too powerful." He explains to me.

I'm surprised he told me as much as Hudson is. If so few people know, then why was I one of them? I'm also sure that if word got out about his abilities, he'd be hunted down very quickly. Surrounding kingdoms would not be happy to know that there is a more powerful king than them. Though I don't doubt that Kenton would be more powerful even without his powers. He's been preparing to be king since birth.

I'm broken from my thoughts as three people barge into Hudson's room. Startled, I sit up, not expecting the sudden company. To enter any of the royal rooms, you are permitted to knock, no one is allowed to barge in unannounced. When I look over at Hudson, I am shocked to see him smiling at the trio.

"Don't worry, these three idiots are my friends." He says to me, getting up from where he was sitting.

I stand up too, waiting to be introduced. I recall Hudson telling me about them, his most loyal friends.

"Ah, is this the famous Adira? Gods, you are even more lovely than what Hudson described. I'm Brooks, it's nice to finally meet you." A male with auburn hair and hazel eyes speaks, holding his hand out for me to shake.

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