Chapter Nineteen

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Amelia and Brooks tread back to our site, where the rest of us have been sitting around waiting for them. Both of them are covered in dirt, looking grimy and sweaty from where I assume they were sparring. We didn't go find them, seeing as though we had no idea where they were located, so we waited for their arrival instead. In the meantime, the rest of us busied ourselves with various matters. Kenton aided his wound by himself, claiming he didn't want nor need the help, Hudson sat quietly on a log, and Fyn and myself sharpened our weapons.

"How long have you all been back here?" Amelia questions, looking at our bored state.

No one says anything at first, causing the two to eye us suspiciously. I set down the dagger I've been cleaning, offering my seat to Amelia.

I look pointedly towards the princes, "We had to cut our game short, we've been waiting for you and Brooks for a while now." I explain.

Kenton throws me a scowl, glaring at me. I mock his look, showing him how ridiculous he's being. Amelia looks throughout the group before deciding not to question any further.

"Anyway, it is getting late, so we should prepare something to eat before it gets too dark." Kenton says, grunting as he stands. His wound must hurt more than he is letting on. He is right though, the sun is already setting, we only have about an hour before it is completely dark.

The group complies, getting up from where they sit. I watch as Fyn crouches down with a couple of sticks in his hands, rubbing them together as if to start a fire. When he fails to succeed, I walk over to him, shaking my head at his helpless efforts.

"Here, let me." I stop him, taking the sticks from his hands.

I ignite my flames, sending them to the area we cleared out early for a fire this evening. The fire erupts, lighting up the area in an instant. I've become more comfortable with using my flames for such everyday uses, which I am grateful for. I am starting to fear myself less and less each day.

"Thank you." He praises. I nod, relishing in the heat from the fire.

I watch as Brooks heats the meal for us, my stomach rumbling. The meal is simple, soup and bread for easy heating and consumption. Nothing like what we usually eat at the castle, but it will suffice.

We serve ourselves, taking portions of soup and bread into our bowls we brought. At first, we eat in silence, all of us famished from the long day. I can feel the tension in the air from the scene between the princes and I yesterday. The trio feels it too, I assume. They keep glancing between the three of us, unsure whether or not they should bring it up.

They should be wise enough not to.

"Let's play a game!" Amelia offers, obviously trying to ease the tension. The group looks at her with a mixture of weariness and appalsion. "Oh come on, it'll be fun! How about truth or dare?" She proposes.

After a beat of silence, Kenton speaks up. "Truth or dare... what's that?" He asks, completely serious.

We look at him for a moment, then burst out into a fit of laughter at his innocence. He looks at us strangely, most likely wondering why we're laughing in his face at his question.

"Do you truly not know what truth or dare is?" Brooks taunts in between his fits of laughter. I cover my mouth to conceal my laughter, feeling slightly sorry for Kenton.

"No I do not. We must play this game of truth and dares now, so I can beat you imbeciles." He declares, now getting angry. At his competitiveness, we laugh harder, which only angers him further. "What? What could possibly be so funny about me wanting to win this foolish game?"

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