Chapter Thirty Eight

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"What?" I choke out. Bile rises in my throat, my blood runs cold, I can't breathe.

I turn to Kenton slowly, not caring that I release the blade from Bastian's throat. I need him to tell me he's lying, that this isn't true.

Kenton's expression is the only confirmation I need.

"No. No, no no." I breathe, bringing my hands to my head. "Tell me it isn't true, Kenton. Please tell me he's lying." I plead, looking at Kenton.

He reaches out to hold me, "Adira, let me-"

"No, don't touch me." I say, stepping away from him. He looks at me in pain, like this is slowly killing him. "Is it true?" I ask. There's tears forming in my eyes, but I blink them away.

"Yes." He whispers painfully, looking at the ground.

"Oh my god." I whimper, bringing a shaky hand over my mouth. "Oh my god."

He takes another step towards me, "Adira, please. Let me explain."

"All this time! All this time I've believed you, trusted you, only to learn that you've been lying to me all along!" I yell. He winces at my tone, bringing his hands that were reaching out to me down to his sides. "Was this what you wanted all along? To get me to trust you, make me love you, to get me into your bed as you lied through your teeth!" Tears stream freely down my face, there's no point in holding them back now.

"No. God no. Everything I've ever said to you, done with you, it was real." He says, crying with me. "I was going to tell you, I swear it, but I didn't know how. I didn't want to break you even more than I already had."

"That's not an excuse, Kenton!" I wail.

I turn to Hudson, who is still holding the prince in his arms. "Did you know?" I ask him.

He shakes his head, looking at me with sadness in his eyes. A wave of relief washes over me, at least knowing my best friend hasn't been lying to me brings me some form of comfort in all of this.

When I look away from him, I see the trio scattered around the room, all of them stunned to silence. Thankfully Brooks is still in the right mind to hold his sword at Bastian, replacing me, but he still looks at me with pity.

"Why did you do it? Did you do it willingly?" I ask Kenton. My arms hang limply from my sides, my blade still in my hand.

"No, of course I didn't want to do it, Adira. I know it doesn't make this any easier or serve as an excuse, but my father made me. I didn't have a choice." He says, taking my face in his hands. The simple gesture that usually makes me melt has turned into one that makes me freeze.

I can't look him in the eyes, it hurts enough to be around him right now. He removes his hands, seeing how upset it makes me. Instead, he tilts my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. When I do, my bottom lip trembles and he looks at me sadly.

Just by the look on his face, I fall to my knees, crouching over and hugging myself in pain. He crouches down with me without hesitation, not letting go of me as I weep.

"There's so much that you don't know, so much that needs to be explained. I can show you everything, explain everything, I promise." He says, searching my eyes frantically. "We can go somewhere private, I'll tell you everything."

"No." I say. "Show me now, I don't care if anyone watches. I need answers, Kenton." I demand.

He looks hesitant, but he nods, respecting my wishes. He slides closer to me on his knees, bringing his hands back up to my face to hold me. I watch through blurry eyes as he closes his own, bringing his forehead to touch mine. I close my eyes as well, feeling his familiar magic swarm my mind.

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