Chapter Forty Three

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One month later

"Are you sure you have everything?" Amelia asks me anxiously for the hundredth time today.

"Yes, Amelia." I say dryly.

"Even the extra bag I packed for all your dresses?" She asks.

I push down the urge to roll my eyes at her motherly behavior. "Yes, even the bag with all my dresses."

Kenton and I took a month to relax in Narva, get our shit together, spend time with our friends, and take some time to ourselves. It went by faster than I expected it to, I still don't feel like I'm prepared to take on a whole new life.

When we told the group we were leaving, many tears were shed and of course some arguments broke out, but eventually everyone was happy for us. Of course they're upset that we're leaving them, but they wanted what's best for us in the end. Fyn even asked to go with us, which we happily accepted.

Now, as Kenton, Fyn and I pack up our horses, the rest of the group huddles around. We have to ride to the shore line before we set sail to Vaekedia. Evelyn arranged for a ship to take us across the sea so there wasn't a problem getting to the island.

After all our bags and belongings are strapped to the horses, I turn around to face the people I will miss so dearly. There are tears already forming in their eyes, causing my own to start burning.

Brooks is the first to embrace me, throwing his arms around me as he shakes from tears. I wrap my arms around him, letting the tears stream freely down my face.

"Do you have to go?" He mumbles weakly into my shoulder.

I pull away from him to hold his face. The usually happy, unfiltered ginger looks at me with such sadness in his eyes. It breaks my heart to pieces. I knew this would be hard, but this is next level from what I prepared for.

"You'll be alright. This isn't the last time we'll see each other, I can promise you that." I assure, my own voice weak from my tears.

He nods his head, embrassing me once again before moving on to Fyn and Kenton to say his goodbyes. I look over to Amelia, who's tears still stream down her face. She woke up crying and hasn't stopped since.

I walk over to her to hug her, wrapping my arms around her lean figure. "Promise you won't die?" She says.

I choke out a laugh, "I promise."

"Good." Is all she says as she lets go of me, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

Now it's time for possibly the hardest goodbye I've ever had to do. I look over at Hudson who stands in front of me with a wavering strong demeanor. I know he's trying to keep it together, for the sake of me or him, I don't quite know. We've never been apart from one another, even when I was hiding for five years. He's my anchor, my best friend. Leaving him is quite possibly the hardest thing I've ever done, and that's saying a lot.

When I lean up on my toes to embrace him, he breaks. Sobs wrack his entire body as I hold him tightly, like I'm the only thing keeping him standing right now. I don't try to calm him, to tell him he's going to be alright. I simply hold him, letting him cry it out.

It takes him a moment to settle down, but his sobs are now small hiccups. I can only look into his bloodshot eyes and smile sadly at him. I have no words, no actions to make this any easier.

"You'll write to me everyday, right?" He says in between hiccups, not letting his hold on me go.

"Everyday." I confirm, nodding my head.

"And you'll come back to visit as soon as possible?"

"Yes. I'm not missing any birthdays, holidays, or any other major events." I promise.

"Okay." He whispers, bringing me back in for another hug.

"Okay." I repeat.

When we break apart from each other, Kenton is standing there watching us with sad eyes. Hudson takes one look at his brother and breaks down again.

Sensitive boy, I think.

Kenton doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Hudson, comforting him. I even spot a few tears of his own escaping his eyes.

When all the goodbyes and tears have been shed, Kenton, Fyn, and I mount our horses, ready to take off.

"Ready?" Kenton asks Fyn and I, to which we respond with nods. "Alright then, let's go."

We snap our reins, the horses taking off at our command. As we ride off, I look over my shoulder to see the group waving at us, tears still flowing from their eyes.

I smile back at them, the people who gave me a chance without hesitation, the people who made this place feel like home for a little while.

When I turn around, I throw my hand up in the air to release a flame, high and mighty for the kingdom who gave me a heart of fire. 

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