Chapter Seven

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When I arrive at the training room, Kenton is already there, as expected. Yet, what I didn't expect to see is Hudson and his trio of friends here as well, already training. They spot me as soon as I walk in, stopping what they're doing to wave at me. I wave back quickly as I walk over to Kenton.

"Morning sweetheart, ready to set some things on fire?" Kenton greets me, as if our conversation last night never happened.

I don't know if I expected him to be awkward or be mad at me, but acting as if nothing happened is almost worse. Though if he's going to act as if nothing happened, then I'll do the same.

"No sparring today? You don't want your brother and his friends to see me knock you on your ass?" I retort with a smirk.

"Haha. Very funny." He deadpans, not laughing at my humor.

At least I think I'm funny.

"Anyway, now that we've gotten our jokes in for today," He takes a step back from me. "I want you to put a wall in front of me. A fire wall, particularly." He says, getting straight to the point.

This shouldn't be difficult. I only have to force my flames on the ground to form a line. Simple enough.

I will my flames to come through to my palms, taking deep breaths in the process to focus, just like Kenton taught me. Just like a snap of my fingers, my palms ignite with flames, feisty and ready to go. I turn my hands over to face the ground so I can let the flames loose, but when I unleash them, they come out too fast.

Kenton jumps out of the way right as the flames shoot out to where he was just standing, lighting the ground on fire. If he would have stayed there for just a moment longer, he'd be burnt to a crisp right now.

"I told you to put a wall of fire in front of me, not on me." He exclaims.

I huff out a breath, trying not to get angry with him. It was a mistake, and this is the first time I'm actually using my flames rather than just summoning them. He has to understand that.

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident. You are well aware that I have no idea how to use my flames." I bite back.

He shakes his head, looking down like he's trying to think. When he looks back up at me, he's smirking.

Oh no.

"I think what you need is some motivation. Hudson, get over here!" He calls out.

Hudson stops what he's doing to look over at us before he starts walking. When he reaches us, he looks weary, like he's scared of what Kenton wants from him. I'm scared too, if I'm being honest.

"Adira, since you are so fond of my dear brother, I'm going to use him as your motivation. I want you to put a wall in front of him. Only this time, I'll be going after him. You'll need to stop me before I do, because while I may not be able to beat you in a fight, I sure as hell can beat my baby brother." Kenton explains, mischief written all over his face.

Hudson looks at me in alarm, but doesn't protest Kenton's words. I fight the urge to kill Kenton right then and there. How dare he use Hudson to get me to use my powers correctly?

He's insane, I've decided.

"No." I say to him, I will not put Hudson in danger willingly.

Kenton shrugs, still looking at me. "Fine, then you'll never learn how to use your powers and it's back to running away from my father." He says.

At this, I sigh. I know he's right, but it doesn't make me feel any better about what he's making me do. Hesitantly, I nod my head, looking over at Hudson.

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