Chapter Forty One

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask Kenton, who fixes the final button on his very expensive looking shirt. "I mean, we could wait till tomorrow, or even a week from now. I'm sure we could figure something out." I suggest. He looks past his reflection in the mirror to eye me, a smirk growing slowly on his face.

Kenton decided the crowning ceremony for him to become the official King of Narva should be today, not even twenty four hours after his father's death. I'm nervous, not only for my sake, but for his. He didn't want this, to become King. Perhaps if he had more time than he thought he did it would be alright, but this is extremely short notice for a prince who thought he'd still have a few more years to take on such a huge responsibility. The worst part is, he's acting like it's fine, like he's fine. The only measure of peace I can find in this is that I'm not going to become queen. Since Kenton and I aren't married, there's no connection for me to even be considered for that role yet. Plus, marriage is quite some time down the road for us.

"For the third time, sweetheart, I'm fine. We can't wait to have this done. Word of my father's death has already spread throughout the kingdom and without a king, chaos will erupt. They need someone to step up for them right now, to be their anchor." He says, walking over to me and rubbing my arms soothingly.

It's truly pathetic. I'm more worried about this than he is.

I look into his eyes, scanning for any sign that he's lying to me. I come up empty handed, nothing but pure calmness is behind those ocean eyes. He's ready to help his kingdom, to be the person they look up to and need so badly. Whether he wanted it or not, he's willing to give up his happiness for his people and I couldn't be more proud of him for it.

"You're sure?" I ask one last time.

A dimpled smile breaks out on his face from my concern. "I am." He states simply.

I can't help but smile back at him, he's too contagious. "Totally positive?" I ask, wincing as I do.

"Alright, let's go." He says, having enough of my hesitance. He grabs my hand, pulling me behind him out of his room, not giving me the option of walking by myself.


Morning light breaks through the windows of the throne room, reminding me just how early we had to get up for this. We planned everything out last night, of course, after Kenton and I wiped our tears and pieced ourselves back together.

We talked to Hudson and the trio, asking them for their help on such short notice, and they were more than happy to help. Evelyn was hard to get to, but when we did get the chance to speak to her, she was understanding in what needed to take place today. The servants busted their butts all night to set everything up, not getting a chance to even sleep. Papers about the coronation went out last night, inviting the entire kingdom to watch at the castle.

Now, as I walk to the front of the room where Queen Evelyn sits on her throne next to Bastian's empty one, I watch the people of Narva stand together as one. I feel an overwhelming sense of pride as I look at them, they deserve this, a chance to look up to a king who cares for them. I'm just as proud to say I get the chance to be a part of it, to watch them and help them improve as a community.

I stand on the stage next to the trio, who walked up here just before I did. Yes, it's against tradition to have non royal members of the family on the stage during a coronation, but whatever, we make our own rules now. Even further against tradition, Hudson holds Bastian's golden crown in his hands, waiting patiently to put it atop Kenton's head. In any normal circumstances, the queen would have been the one crowning Kenton, but even Evelyn agreed to let Hudson be the one to do it. It's more meaningful to Kenton that way, more meaningful to Hudson as well.

The room stills as Kenton appears through the doors, a small smile resting upon his face once his eyes meet mine. I don't hide the grin that comes to my face once I see him. Handsome as ever, dressed in all black, his hair splayed perfectly on his head, he looks devilishly angelic.

Hi. I mouth to him once I realize his eyes aren't straying away from me.

Hi. He mouths back, looking as though he's trying to keep his composure from laughing in the middle of the clearing. We did just see eachother minutes ago, but I couldn't contain myself.

"Can you guys stop being so goddamn cute for just one second? It's gross." Brooks leans over to whisper in my ear. I discreetly cover my mouth to contain my laughter, failing miserably.

As Kenton reaches the stage, he turns around to face the crowd. They sit at his command, not a person denying him. Hudson stands close beside him, holding the crown with gracefulness. Everything is perfect.

"I want to start by saying thank you to each and every one of you." Kenton starts. "I know this was unexpected and the circumstances are not ideal, but you handled this news and coronation as well as I hoped you would. I appreciate your acceptance of me being your next king, truly I couldn't ask for anything more." He pauses briefly, "But I am not going to be your king, I do not believe I deserve such an honor."

Alright, maybe I spoke too soon about this being perfect.

The crowd gasps at his words, small talk beginning to erupt in the room. My eyes widen as I look at Kenton, who doesn't spare me a glance. I have no idea what he's doing right now, none of us do. When I look over at the trio, they're just as shocked as everyone else, not knowing what to do.

"Silence." He commands, his voice booming throughout the room.

In an instant, the room is completely quiet, no one daring to move an inch. We all watch as Kenton takes the crown from his brother's hands, looking down at the precious metal.

"I am not fit to be your king, I never was." He says, looking out into the crowd again. "There is only one person I know who will rule you the way you deserve, the way I will never be able to."

The world seems to tilt off its axis as he turns to Hudson. No one moves, no one speaks, it's as if the room is frozen in time.

"With that being said, I now crown Hudson Steele, my brother, King of Narva." He says proudly, placing the shiny golden ring atop Hudson's head.

Tears spring to my eyes as I watch. Hudson stares at his brother for a moment, comprehending what just took place. Then without warning, he embraces his brother tightly, his new crown tilting slightly from the contact.

Kenton hugs him back fiercely, the two brothers not having a care in the world who's watching them. This is their moment.

This is the reason why Kenton wasn't nervous about the coronation, because he was never planning on being the one crowned. He knew he didn't want to be king, but he also knew that Hudson wanted to hold that position and he was well deserving of it.

Kenton would have been a great king, an outstanding one at that. But his heart wouldn't have been fulfilled, he wouldn't be happy. I know just as well as he does that Hudson was the right choice. I can only hope that the kingdom sees it that way as well. 

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