Chapter Twenty

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Strangely enough, we aren't training today. Upon waking up, Kenton informed us that instead of physically training for the battle, we also need to mentally train. Apparently knowing the battle plan on paper is extremely helpful, according to him, that is. Currently, we are all huddled around Kenton, who is holding a map of the Kingdom of Caraq.

"We will arrive through these forests, keeping us out of sight from the guards long enough to get the upper hand." Kenton points to the wooded area on the map. Each of us listens intently to his instructions, for once taking something serious. "It should be an easy defeat, however the element of surprise will give us extra help seeing as though we aren't taking the full army with us."

"So we're going to be outnumbered? That doesn't sound like a good idea." Brooks speaks up.

I nod my head, concerned with this too. Going into battle with the knowledge that we will be greatly outnumbered doesn't exactly sit right with me.

Kenton nods his head, acknowledging Brooks' unease. "Yes, we will be outnumbered slightly, but to our knowledge Caraq doesn't obtain any supernaturals. We have three, one of which being me, they won't even comprehend as one. Our army is stronger than them, even if we don't have as many of them."

Kenton's abilities need to be kept a secret, I recall. When Fyn and I use our abilities, everyone can see them immediately. Kenton however, can keep his hidden while still using them. I don't know how he plans to use them in battle, but with his mind manipulation no one will be able to tell he is supernatural.

As if reading my mind, Amelia speaks to Kenton, "And what will you be doing with your abilities?"

He sets down the map in the dirt, not caring to keep it clean. "I'm planning to knock out as many guards as I can, it should be easy to cover up with the battle going on around us so no one will suspect anything. However, I won't be able to knock out all of them at once seeing as though using that much power will drain me and make me weak, but I will try my best."

Amelia doesn't push the subject any further as she nods in understanding.

"We've planned out how we are going to fight, but we still haven't figured out how we're going to get to Zehra, let alone kidnap her." Hudson says dryly. He's barely spoken this entire trip, so I am surprised to hear him interact with the battle plans at all.

"Well, assuming that she joins in at the battle, I will knock her out for one of us to reach her with no problems. We will have to be quick to reach her and get out as soon as possible so the guards don't take her away from us." Kenton explains.

"And what if we don't reach her in time? Brother I know you are in charge of planning and leading this battle, but it seems as though your ideas are not clearly thought through." He says.

Kenton sighs at Hudson's attitude, clearly fed up with him.

"Hudson, he's trying. Maybe instead of disapproving of everything he says, you can actually put in some helpful ideas." I spit. I've had enough of Hudson's childlike behavior. If we want to win, he will have to put his personal feelings aside and think like a warrior.

"I don't recall asking you, Adira." He bites back. "It is not like you've been putting out any great ideas, have you? You know nothing about battles. Siding with Kenton on everything like a lost dog doesn't make you an expert."

I reel back, repulsed by his words. The group goes completely still, looking between us as if waiting for an outburst.

I shake my head angrily, "I may have never been in battle, but that doesn't make me completely clueless. My father trained me for battle up until his very last breath, so don't sit there and tell me I know nothing. You may be angry about not leading this battle, but that is no excuse to be acting the way you are!"

"I'm acting like this because you are taking his side on everything!" He gestures to Kenton, who sits with his chin resting on his palm with a bored expression. "I would think that after everything I've helped you with, you would at least be on my side for this."

"Why? Because I'm your friend? Frankly, Hudson, this has nothing to do with our friendship."

"Because it is painful to watch the person I love disagree with me on everything!" He shouts.

At the use of that word, love, I freeze. Awkward silence fills the air as Hudson and I stare at each other, the group around us not jumping in to stop either of us. Hudson turns, walking away from the scene.

"So this is what this is truly about? Our relationship with one another?" I shout after him. He stops abruptly, keeping his back to me as he looks down. I realize now what I have to do, what I have to explain to him. "Hudson, look at me, please." I say, softly this time.

Hesitantly, he turns around with closed fists, his jaw clenched with a pained expression. "Do not. Do not do this." He pleads, his voice quiet and feeble.

I look away from him, my eyes catching Brooks' hazel ones. He nods slightly, encouraging me to say what I've been putting off for so long.

"What we have, it is not love, Hudson. I have love for you, but not a romantic love. It is comfort, a friendship kind of love. We made a mistake in the village. I should have stopped it, I know that, but I cannot pretend to feel the things that you feel for me. I am not deserving of love, and you deserve so much more than I can give you. Right now, we need to focus on the battle, and I can't have you holding me back from that." I say.

Just when I thought this couldn't get any harder, his expression hurts me even further. A frown takes his face as he stays silent, looking at the ground rather than me. He shakes his head, turning around once again to walk away.

"Hudson!" I call after him. When he doesn't stop, I start towards him only to be pulled back by someone grabbing my hand. I whirl around, ready to push them off of me.

"It's alright, let him go. He needs to be alone right now." Brooks says with a pitiful expression.

Realizing that he's right, that I'm the last person he wants to see right now, I look around at the group. They sit in silence, looking at me in sorrow. Even Kenton shows emotion, something that doesn't happen often. Feeling defeated and cruel, I hang my head, not able to stand the stares around me. Brooks wraps his arms around me, holding me tight. I cling to him, not knowing what else to do. My friendship of eighteen years could very well be demolished beyond repair, and it is all my fault. 

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