Chapter Twenty Five

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I cried myself to sleep last night after Hudson left. There were too many emotions running through me, all I could think to do was cry. I've never been more terrified of anything in my life, and the battle is not the cause. I don't know how I plan to tell Kenton, if I tell him at all. I need time to gather the right words, I think. Nonetheless, it will have to wait for another day. My main focus is on the battle today.

I get out of bed, washing up slightly before I put on my battle attire and braid my hair. The servants in the castle had my attire specially made and fitted to me. It mainly consists of leather, all black, with a matching leather corset and tight fitted pants. There's a sword strapped to my hip, as well as multiple daggers on my thighs and in my boots. I've never felt more like a warrior in my life. If that little girl with a dream to fight could see me now, I think she'd be proud. My father would be proud too, I like to think so at least.

As I'm lacing the final strings on my boots, someone knocks on my door. I yell over my shoulder for them to come in as I take one final look at myself in the mirror. Looking past my reflection, I see Kenton walk into my room, closing the door softly behind him. At the sight of him, I freeze completely. I make no movement, even as he walks up behind me and takes my braid in his hand, twirling it delicately through his fingers.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my heartbeat quickening. It is almost too much for me just to look at him. I'm worried that just by one look on my face, I'll reveal everything. I can't have that, not yet.

"I wanted to check up on you, make sure you're feeling alright. We're leaving soon." He says, laying my braid over my shoulder.

The energy between us has shifted, it's more intimate I suppose. Or it has always been this way and I was just in denial of seeing it as it truly was.

I turn around to face him, the small space between us making me more tense than I already was. "Do I look alright?" I ask, looking down at my attire.

A smirk grows on his face as he nods slightly, "Perfect, as always." He says, his voice barely above a whisper.

I scoff, miserably failing at trying to conceal my burning cheeks. It doesn't help my situation as I look at his attire. It is much like mine, all black and completely leather, though his is more masculine, fitting his body flawlessly. He carries more swords than I do, with two strapped on his back crossing each other and another on his hip. He looks every bit of the leader he is, strong and confident.

"Ready?" He asks, holding out his hand for me to take.

I gently lay my hand in his, his grip tightening as soon as I do. "Ready as I'll ever be." He pulls me closer to him, tilting my chin up with his free hand. The air around us seems to thicken, causing my breath to hitch.

"You're going to be great, I promise." He whispers, his eyes boring into my own.

I nod, trying to believe his words. "Catch me if I fall?" I ask, a weak smile appearing on my face.

He smiles back, though his is more genuine as his eyes shine brightly. "Always."

And with that, we walk hand in hand out of my room, ready to conquer the world.


The rest of the group is already at the stables when Kenton and I arrive, preparing their horses and strapping on extra gear. The portion of the army we are taking with us is already waiting for us, patiently perched on their horses. I spot Hudson eyeing Kenton and I with a knowing look, which I respond to with a warning glance. I shake my head as he smiles at me innocently.

It still shocks me greatly that he's so supportive of this. Kenton and I, I mean. If I were in Hudson's position, I can't say I'd act as mature as he is right now. I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing friend, but I'm thankful for him nonetheless.

Kenton goes off to retrieve his horse and I find mine already out and waiting, Hudson holding the reins out to me. I walk up to him, petting the horse as I take the reins from Hudson. It's a beautiful creature, all white with strangely blue eyes. It reminds me of Fyn, strangely.

With the help of Hudson, I hop on the horse, ready to take off. Looking around the group, everyone looks well prepared for the battle, surprisingly not nervous. Kenton strolls out on his horse, motioning us with his head to follow him towards the rest of the army. We do as he says, following him silently.

He looks at all of us, his army in front of him ready to do as he says. "You fight for your kingdom out there, you fight for yourselves. We get in, we get out. Are we clear?" He booms, his voice strong and confident. As a union, we agree, shouting our approvals to him. He nods in satisfaction, keeping his face clear of any emotion. "Let's go." He looks at me one last time, his eyes softening the instant he does. I smile at him softly, bowing my head slightly. A hint of that signature smirk appears on his face before he snaps the reins on his horse, the animal taking off the instant he does so.

We ride behind him quickly. The trio, along with Hudson and I are in front of the army, Kenton in front of us. It doesn't take us long to reach Caraq's forests, only about an hour. We slow down as we approach our starting point for the attack, all of us as quiet as possible. My breath hitches when I spot the castle. The guards haven't spotted us yet, but I assume they will quickly. The castle is bigger than I remember it, though I was barely conscious the last time I saw it.

Kenton looks back at his army, nodding towards us to let us know we're about to begin. Everyone retreats from their horse, tying them up around various trees before getting into position. I watch as Kenton reveals himself from the forest, the guards spotting him immediately. He knocks a few of them out cold, the ones who are still conscious call out to alert the castle of our presence. As soon as they do, I dart out of the woods to be seen, as does the rest of our army. We charge towards them, ready for whatever they bring our way. I ignite my flames, smiling wickedly as I watch the castle flood out with guards. My heartbeat quickens in excitement and fear. This is what I was born to do, and I could not be happier about it.

They charge towards us, unwavering and rapid. Fights break out quickly around me, but I don't stop charging towards the castle. I have one person on my mind that I want, and I won't stop until I get to her. This is my chance to get my payback.

Then, I see her. Zehra steps out of the castle dressed in fighting gear, looking straight at me. I wave at her mockingly, smiling viciously at the princess who I will destroy. 

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