Chapter Twelve

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Not one person has been near my cell since I killed that man. I've not the slightest idea how many hours or days have passed because of the darkness and lack of windows in my cell. Sleeping has not been an option for me, in view of the fact that everytime I close my eyes, I see that man dying at my hand, begging for me to stop it. I should have been the one to die, I deserve it far more than he did. Now I'm only left here to rot in this cell with no hope of freedom.

Suddenly, I feel the caress on my mind again, only this time, it's stronger. Almost as if part of my mind is somewhere else, in a body that is not my own.

I hear a distant scream, which is odd considering I haven't heard much of anything from where I am locked up. Then, it's footsteps I hear, sounding as if they are coming towards me. I inch back further away from the bars of the cell, hoping that it is not Zehra or a guard coming to fetch me. However, the voice I hear calling out my name is not Zehra's or a guard. It's a familiar voice, one that I've heard many times before.

"Adira!" They call out frantically.

I pull myself off the ground, holding on to the bars to keep steady. I can't see anything, I can only hear the footsteps growing louder. I call out to the person, the sound coming out as something between a cry and a yell, it's pathetic but they hear me. The person finally reaches my cell, standing in front of me holding a small lantern. The sight before me nearly brings me to my knees.


He's here.

He sighs in relief at the sight of me before putting the lantern down to start working at the lock on my cell. I stand there in complete shock, not believing that he is actually here. Tears immediately stream down my face as I watch him work frantically.

"Please tell me you are truly here, that you are real." I whimper.

He unlocks the cell, throwing open the door and rushing in to reach me. It is when he engulfs me in his warm embrace, holding me fiercely that I know he is not imaginary. He has truly come here to save me. I could collapse right now knowing that he probably risked so much just to reach me here.

"I'm here, I'm real. It's alright." He soothes as I crumble in his arms. Before I can fall to the ground he gathers me in his arms, picking me up as if it is nothing.

"How did you- how are you-" I try to speak, but he cuts me off.

"Hush now, I will explain later but we need to get out of here quickly." He comforts, tightening his grip on me.

He strides out of the cell, his pace quick and steady. We pass by a number of guards on the way out, all of them completely unconscious. I don't ask how he did it, not yet, for I am entirely too concerned about getting out of this hell as quickly as possible.

Outside, it takes a few minutes of walking to reach the horse that Kenton traveled here on. There are a few guards from Narva also perched on horses, waiting for our arrival. Kenton raises me up to sit on the horse before pulling himself up as well, sitting behind me. He grabs the rein attached to the neck of the animal with one hand, the other wrapping around my midriff protectively.

I look back at the Castle of Caraq, guards armed with weapons are pooling out of the interior, aiming at us. I start to panic, but Kenton pulls on the rein immediately and the horse speeds off, leading us away before they can fire at us.

We got away.

I'm free.

I made it out alive.

Then all too quickly my adrenaline wears thin, leaving my body to feel all the pain and weakness it's been bearing. I'm so tired, so dizzy, my eyelids flutter as I lean my weight back on Kenton, feeling his hard chest against my back. His grip tightens on me as I can barely hold myself up, he's doing most of the work for me.

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