Chapter Twenty Seven

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I have to say, watching Kenton ride on his horse with an incredibly limp Zehra strapped on the back like a sack of potatoes is by far the funniest thing I've ever seen. Which is considerably impressive seeing as though I once watched Brooks try to swallow an entire chicken leg in one bite, bone and all. However, something about seeing the person who helped torture me for weeks finally get what she deseves takes the lead for me.

What's not so funny, is the fact that Brooks could very well bleed out before we get back to the castle. We got out of Caraq's grounds as fast as we could, but it did take some time to figure out how to get Zehra on a horse, as well as Brooks who obviously couldn't ride himself. Hudson is currently riding with him slumped against his back for support, along with a couple of ropes to keep him steady. To my surprise, he's stayed conscious the entire ride back, something I know I wouldn't have been able to do.

We make it back to Narva in record time. I hop off my horse immediately, storming through the castle doors. "We need a medic now!" I call out.

To my advantage, there is one already waiting just inside the doors. I lead him out to where Brooks is located, going as fast as I can without losing the medic behind me. I spot Kenton handing Zehra off to some guards and telling them to lock her up before she wakes. Just beside him, Brooks lays on the ground with Hudson who is applying pressure to his wound. I lead the medic to them, dropping down to sit by him as well.

"Hey," I say softly to Brooks, who is looking quite pale. "You're gonna be alright, the medic will stitch you up and you'll be good as new." I try to sound encouraging, not wanting to scare him. He looks up at me with glazed eyes, barely conscious.

"You know, you're my favorite friend out of those losers. I just thought you should know in case I die." He says weakly. His words are slur, like one would when they've had too much to drink.

I smile at him, rolling my eyes at his dramatics. "You're not going to die, Brooks. Stop acting like these are your last words to me." I assure. He tries to laugh, but that only causes him to hiss in pain.

"I need to get him inside before I can help him." The medic says to me.

I nod, getting up quickly to help Hudson carry him inside. Kenton comes over to us just as we start walking inside with Brooks. He gently takes Brooks from me, helping Hudson carry him inside. I don't leave their side, not until I know Brooks is safe inside.

Once we get inside, the medic gives Brooks an elixir to put him to sleep and then tells us to get out of the room. I stay standing next to Brooks holding his hand, not wanting to leave him while he's in this condition. If it wasn't for Kenton pulling me away from him, I would have stayed. I pull against Kenton, trying to get him to let go of me so I can stay, but his grip on my arm only tightens.

"No, let me stay with him, I need to make sure he's going to be alright." I plead, my voice shaky and on the verge of tears. Maybe I'm being dramatic but I can't find it in me to care. Brooks is my friend, I need to make sure he's not going to die on me.

"I know you want to stay with him, but you need to let the medic help him in peace. You can come back the moment he's done, I promise." He says softly.

I don't have the chance to argue with him any further when Bastian walks through the doors. Hudson, Kenton and I turn to him, completely frozen. He looks over our shoulders to where Brooks lays, his only reaction to the bloody mess being a raised eyebrow.

He turns back around, walking out of the door. "Come with me." He says over his shoulder. I look back at Kenton in confusion, to which he responds with another tug at my arm, nodding his head. The three of us follow Bastain silently out of the room, leaving Brooks with the medic.

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