No Guys Allowed

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Jax brought me to my place and helped me up to my room. "She's such a bitch," he snarled.

"Jax, calm down. It's no big deal." I sat on my bed as he paced back and forth.

He snorted. "You're right. No big deal, because you've been through worse with that piece of shit James!" His face became red with anger.

I stopped talking and held my knees to my chest. Gee, thanks for bringing that up Jax. He realized what he said and sat down next to me, "Sorry, Mia. I'm just so... Grr!" He held his head in his hands.

I nudged his shoulder with mine, "Hey, it's okay. No big deal."

"It is though! We are supposed to be protecting you! What if Tanner didn't find you? What if those brats just left you on the floor in a bloody pile?"

I hugged him. "You guys still would of found me. You would of noticed I was gone longer than I should have been."

He sighed and nodded, running a hand through his black hair. I suddenly remembered something he once said to me and asked him about it. "Hey Jax, when we first met you told me you had someone do a background check on me. What did you mean?"

He gave me a sad little smile. "It means I had someone look into your files, which included your family, friends, medical records, police reports... all that good stuff."

I nodded, "But how? How'd you get all that?"

Jax sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't really tell you the whole story. Let's just say, the guys and I have connections. Alright?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Good," he said. He ran a hand through his black hair. Although Jax looked tough and scary, almost like had wanted nothing to do with anyone or anything, he was really a great guy.

"Mia!!" Charlie stormed into the room. "Tanner told me what happened! I'm gonna kill her!"

I frowned, "No, no killing. It's in the past, just let it go. Can't we just, have a normal girls night like we used to? None of this May and James drama, just us."

"Um... What about us?" Tanner said, pointing between himself and Jax.

"You leave! You heard the woman; it's girls night! Bye!" Charlie shoved Tanner out of the room and pulled Jax off the bed. "You too, now scram!"

Jax held his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. When we heard the front door shut, Charlie ran and jumped onto the bed. "Should we invite Molly?"

I nodded. Charlie pulled out her phone and dialed a number. I laid down and closed my eyes, the pain dying down and the pounding in my head echoed throughout my thoughts. Soon enough, I just fell asleep.

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