Thanksgiving Guests and New Families

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I helped my mom prepare food in the kitchen while my dad went shopping for more ingredients. "Mom, have you seen Lilli?" I kneaded the dough for the apple pie as I asked.

She shoved the turkey into the oven while replying, "No, but I'm sure she's around here somewhere honey." She came besides me and started cutting up apples. "So... is there anyone you want to invite tomorrow? Maybe Charlie? Molly and Andrew? How about that boy I'm constantly hearing about?" She smirked as I froze.

"You mean Daniel?" She just shrugged and continued with the apples. "Well, Charlie is going to Florida for Thanksgiving and Molly and Andrew are visiting family. So they can't come."

She smiled. "So then what about Daniel?"

I thought about it. I mean, he has his grandmother...but I don't really hear him talk about anyone else. I've never seen them either. "Would it be okay if his grandmother came also? If Daniel comes, I wouldn't want her to spend the holiday alone."

"Of course, sweetie! I'll just tell your father we're expecting more guests. You go on and call him, this can wait!" My mother shooed me away and I went into my room.

I picked up my phone and my thumb hovered over Daniel's name nervously. Finally, I tapped on it and it started ringing.

"Mia?" He picked up.

"Yeah, uh, hi..." I blushed. If he was here, he probably would of pointed it out.

He laughed. "Is there a reason for calling or did you just want to hear my beautiful voice?"

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Uh- yeah actually there is. Do you by any chance have plans for tomorrow?"

"Mia, tomorrow is Thanksgiving..."

"Oh, I know! It's just, I was going to ask, if you and your Gramm don't have any plans for tomorrow, my family and I would like to invite you for dinner." I sighed, being about to spit that out.

There was a silence on the other side for a moment. "You want us to come over for Thanksgiving dinner?"

"Yeah." Uh-oh. He's gonna say no isn't he?

"Me and Gramm? Both of us?"

I chewed on my lip. "Mmhmm..."

"Uh- I don't know, Mia. I don't thi-" his voice was suddenly cut off and there was ruffling on the other end. I heard whispering and then a big slap. I giggled when Daniel cried "ow Gramm" and the phone got picked back up.

"Mia, darling, it's me, Gramm. My grandson is an idiot, he would love to come!" She spoke.

"You're invited too! I wouldn't just invite Daniel, nobody should be alone on a holiday!" I said smiling.

There was another ruffling sound and I heard Gramm shout "I adore this girl Danny", then come back. "Darling, you are just too kind. We both would love to join you for dinner tomorrow. What time should we be there?"

I checked with my mom before replying. "Maybe around four/four-thirty so you can meet my family and chat and all that jazz." She laughed. "Is that okay for you?"

"Of course, dear! We'll be there! See you soon!" We both said goodbye and the line went dead. I placed my phone in my back pocket and went back down to the kitchen. Before I started cooking again, I received a text from Daniel. It said: You have no idea how happy you just made her...and me...


Rushing, I threw my sweater over my blue blouse and buckled my skirt over it (Refer to picture above). I made sure my makeup was okay and brushed through my hair one more time before slipping on my shoes and running down the stairs. My mom was in the kitchen with my dad preparing everything but Lilli was no where in sight. "Guys, I still can find Lilli. When was the last time anyone saw her?" My parents shrugged.

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